EMS Electro Medical Systems

AIRFLOW MAX Handiece set

AIRFLOW MAX Handpiece Easy Clean Instructions

1 Page

HOW TO PREVENT CLOGGING AND HOW TO UNCLOG YOUR AIRFLOW® MAX HANDPIECE Clogging in your AIRFLOW® MAX Handpiece may be caused by improper usage or non-usage of the Easy Clean or EMS powder stuck inside the handpiece due to not following the EMS rinsing protocol. EMS recommends:  HOW TO PREVENT CLOGGING: EASY CLEAN INSTRUCTIONS The Easy Clean must be used after each treatment, during the preparation step and before cleaning. Please refer to the Instruction for Use FB-358* to ensure you are using it correctly or follow the process below: ▶ Place the Easy Clean into the AIRFLOW® MAX Handpiece. ▶ Empty water-filled syringe into the Easy Clean.  WATCH YOUTUBE VIDEO  ▶ Dry both sides of the handpiece with compressed air. ▶ Check out our YouTube video via https:// professional.airflowdentalspa.com.au/support/maintenancevideos/  HOW TO UNCLOG AN AIRFLOW® MAX HANDPIECE Solutions to use: ▶ Acetic acid 20% (liquid) ▶ A few drops (2-3) of your dental washer disinfection detergent Method: ▶ Fill the ultrasonic bath with a mix of the above solutions until your AIRFLOW® MAX Handpiece is fully immersed. ▶ Set the temperature to 50°C and activate the ultrasonic for 15 min. ▶ Rinse the handpiece thoroughly with tap water. ▶ Dry the handpiece using an air pistol (max 3.0 bar air). In case of any further issues with your AIRFLOW® MAX Handpiece, please contact your dedicated EMS Repair Center, available here: https://professional.airflowdentalspa.com.au/ support/service-centers/ Your EMS Team - June 2022  EMS Oceania Pty Ltd Suite 3, Shed 73 4E Huntley Street Alexandria 2015 NSW - AUSTRALIA  https://professional.airflowdentalspa.com.au/
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File Name: EMS Electro Medical Systems - AIRFLOW MAX Handpiece Easy Clean Instructions - 2022-06.pdf

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