VIO 300 D Quick guide
Quick guide
12 Pages

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VIO 300 D Quick guide 12.06
This quick guide does not replace the user manual! In particular it does not include all safety instructions. You can combine the unit receptacles individually. In this regard, the figures are only examples of a configuration.
GO Keep this guide in an easily accessible place or insert it in the door of the VIO Cart.
Switch on unit, performance test GO
Press the power switch to switch the unit on.
The unit then carries out a performance test and checks all the receptacles. Connected units and footswitches are detected. All pilot lamps and Focus buttons light up. The version number of the software appears on the display.
Select program You will then see a selection list of the programs (1). 1 If you press the Up/Down buttons (2), and more than 4 programs are stored, the window scrolls in the program selection list. You can also press the selection button next to the menu item More. The active program is marked in green. GO Press the selection button next to the required program. Example: Basic program.
1. Or the window Directory as shown on the next page of this quick guide. The start screen can be adjusted in the VIO service programs.
Window Select Program
Obtain overview Which CUT / COAG mode, which effect, and what power setting are active for which receptacles? GO
Check the settings of the program.
You will see the number of the program (1), the name of the program (2) and a schematic display of the receptacles (3) with the stored modes, effects and power settings. The display shows the symbol of the Down button (4). At least one other unit is connected to the electrosurgical unit. Example: an APC. All units are controlled via the VIO display. Select receptacle GO Use a selection button to select a receptacle. Example: You wish to work with a monopolar instrument. Select the monopolar receptacle. The display then switches to the window Cut / Coag Settings.
Window Directory, Basic program
Focus View You only ever see the CUT settings (1) and COAG settings (2) of one receptacle. Monopolar receptacle is shown on the display. The Focus button (3) next to the monopolar receptacle (Monopolar) is lit up. Connect instrument GO Example: Connect your monopolar instrument to the monopolar receptacle with the illuminated Focus button (3).
Window CUT / COAG settings, Monopolar receptacle
Switch on, select program, obtain overview, select receptacle, Focus View, connect instrument
Activation with footswitch The CUT/COAG mode that is to be activated with which footswitch is stored in the program. How can I identify the assignment of the footswitches? Example: In the window Cut / Coag Settings you will see the monopolar receptacle. The assigned yellow and blue pedals are highlighted in the display. The yellow and blue pedals of the twopedal footswitch (1) are lit up on the monopolar receptacle. You can activate the CUT and COAG function of the monopolar receptacle with the dual-pedal footswitch. Window CUT / COAG Settings, Monopolar receptacle
Activation with fingerswitch Do I have to make any settings on the VIO? No. If you have connected, for example, an instrument to the monopolar receptacle, you can also activate the CUT and COAG modes with the fingerswitch. Activation with AUTO START How can I identify whether AUTO START is active? The program stores whether the bipolar COAG modes are activated with AUTO START. AUTO START is displayed in the window Cut / Coag Settings of the bipolar receptacle. The symbol for AUTO START (1) lights up at the bipolar recptacle.
Window CUT / COAG Settings, Bipolar receptacle
Is the patient protected by the neutral electrode? The neutral electrode receptacle is equipped with pilot lamps which represent a dual-surface (1) and a single-surface (2) electrode. GO
Observe the pilot lamps.
Unit can be activated Neutral electrode receptacle from the receptacle connector of the VIO system
The neutral electrode (1) or (2) lights up GREEN. Alarm! The neutral electrode (1) or (2) lights up RED. When the VIO is activated a warning signal sounds. In the event of an alarm check: Is a neutral electrode connected?
Is the connector of the neutral electrode inserted in the neutral electrode receptacle of the VIO?
Is the neutral electrode cable undamaged?
Is the contact tab of the neutral electrode completely inserted into the connecting clamp?
Is the neutral electrode positioned with its entire surface on the patient’s skin?1
Does the symmetry line of the neutral electrode point towards the operating field?1
1. Error is only detected by unit in the case of dual-surface neutral electrodes!
Symmetry line
monitoring of neutral electrode with pilot lamps
How good is the contact between the neutral electrode and the patient’s skin?1 GO
Press the Focus button on the neutral electrode receptacle. You will see the NESSY window.
The traffic-light symbol (1) corresponds to the pilot lamps of the neutral electrode receptacle. Display GREEN or RED. The centre display (2) shows the contact resistance between the skin and the electrode as a numerical value. The diagram (3) shows the contact resistance between the skin and the electrode as a bar. The delineation to the hazard zones is marked with a red line at the top and bottom.
GO Check the neutral electrode during the operation with the NESSY window. Check regularly whether the neutral electrode is positioned with its entire surface on the patient’s skin.
Window NESSY (Neutral Electrode Safety System), setting Nessy dynamic
Use the NESSY window as a visual aid when applying the neutral electrode.
1. Only detected by unit in the case of dual-surface neutral electrodes!
How do I set the mode? Example: cut mode. GO
Press the selection button next to the menu item Mode.
Window CUT / COAG Settings, Monopolar receptacle
The window Select cut mode is then displayed. On the right you will see a selection list of modes (1). If you press the Up / Down buttons (2), the window scrolls in the selection list. You can also press the selection button next to the menu item Other modes. The active mode is marked in green. GO Press the selection button next to the required cut mode (example: HIGH CUT). The display then switches back to the window Cut / Coag Settings.
If you want to deactivate the cut mode for the receptacle, select CUT off in the selection list.
Window Select cut mode, Monopolar receptacle
Monitoring of neutral electrode with NESSY window, set mode
How do I set the effect? Example: effect for HIGH CUT. GO
Press the selection button next to the menu item Effect.
Window CUT / COAG Settings, Monopolar receptacle
The window Select Cut Effect is then displayed. You will see a numerical display for the effect (1) and a display in the form of a bar diagram (2). A picture (3) shows the consequence of the effect on tissue. GO Select an effect with the Up / Down buttons (4) (Example: cut effect 4).
Confirm your selection by pressing the Enter button (5) or by pressing the selection button next to the menu item Return. You return to the window Cut / Coag Settings. Window Select Cut Effect, Monopolar receptacle
How do I set power limitation? GO
Press the selection button next to the menu item max. watts.
The window Cut power limitation is then displayed. Selection of a power limitation level is for the safety of the patient and protects the instrument from damage. You will see a numerical display for power limitation (1) and a display in the form of a bar diagram (2). GO Select a power limitation level with the Up / Down buttons (3) (example: 140 watts).
Confirm your selection by pressing the Enter button (4) or by pressing the selection button next to the menu item Return. The display then switches back to the window Cut / Coag Settings.
Window CUT / COAG Settings, Monopolar receptacle
Does the VIO offer me support via Help texts? Yes. Help is available in every window where you see an Info button. GO Press the selection button next to an Info button. Scroll through the text field with the Up / Down buttons. You can also press the selection button next to the menu item More.
Window Cut power limitation, Monopolar receptacle
Window showing VIO information
Set effect, set power limitation
How do I assign a footswitch or AUTO START to a CUT / COAG mode? GO Use a Focus button (1) to select a receptacle to which you wish to assign a footswitch. Example: Monopolar receptacle. GO
Press the selection button next to the menu item Footswitch.
In the window Select activation type you will see a list of the possible footswitch assignments. With the Down button (1) you can scroll to the second window of the list. You can also press the selection button next to the menu item More.
Window CUT / COAG Settings, Monopolar receptacle
Dual-pedal footswitch yellow and blue pedal
Dual-pedal footswitch blue pedal
Dual-pedal footswitch yellow pedal
Blue single-pedal footswitch
The active footswitch is marked in green. GO Select a footswitch with the selection button, e.g. the yellow pedal of the two-pedal footswitch (2).
Window 1 Select activation type, Monopolar receptacle
If you select the bipolar receptacle, you will find AUTO START 1 and AUTO START 2 in the list of possible footswitch assignments. The footswitch symbol or AUTO START symbol will light up on selection on the receptacle.
Window 2 Select activation type, Monopolar receptacle
When is there a risk of explosion?
The most important safety measures
GO When using anesthetics and disinfectants make sure that they are not combustible. As a minimum requirement, such substances must have completely evaporated and been removed from the spark formation zone before use of the electrosurgical unit..
Who may prepare and operate a VIO system? Electrosurgery is associated with various risks to patients and personnel. The VIO system should therefore only be operated by persons who have received training.
Endogenous gases in the gastrointestinal tract also present a risk of explosion.
How should I position the patient?
How do I handle the active electrode (instrument)?
GO The covering of the operating table does not insulate the patient from the metal parts of the operating table. Between the patient and the operating table cover insert a layer of electrically insulating material, e.g. dry cover cloths. If there is the risk of the material becoming wet during the operation (blood, sweat, irrigation liquid, urine), also place a waterproof layer on top of this material. Separate off points of contact between extremities/folds of skin and the trunk using dry cloths.
GO Always put the electrode down in a safe place. Never next to or on the patient. Risk of accidental activation.
If the electrode is accidentally activated during an endoscopic application, switch off the power switch of the electrosurgical unit. Only then should the electrode be removed from the patient’s body. Electrodes are hot after activation. They can also burn tissue without being activated.
How should I apply the neutral electrode?
With an active monopolar electrode do not touch metal instruments held in the other hand. Danger of burns!
GO Apply the entire contact surface of the neutral electrode carefully to a muscular part of the body with good blood circulation. It should be as close as possible to the operating field.
Align the symmetry line of the neutral electrode towards the operating field. The current should flow from the active electrode (instrument) to the symmetry line of the neutral electrode. How should I proceed for patients with cardiac pacemakers? GO In the case of patients with cardiac pacemakers or other active implants, there is a risk of malfunctioning or damage to the pacemaker. In the case of doubt expert advice should be obtained.
Symmetry line
Assign footswitch/AUTO START,
Safety Measures
What do the icons mean?
The icons are provided for help and guidance.
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Your query, your problem. GO
Your procedure, action. View VIO display or controls. Audible warning signal. Safety instruction.
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CE0124 EN ISO 9001 EN ISO 13485
Printed in Germany Copyright © ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH, Tübingen 2006
Instruction manual Art. No. 80104-541