CERAMO RICHTER rongeur 30° upw., 1.5 x 180 mm

CERAMO RICHTER X Rongeurs Assembly Instructions

3 Pages

1  FEHLING  M 24 EN  INSTRUMENTS  2-09/18  ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS  CERAMO® RICHTER X Rongeurs WARNING: All components of the RICHTER X rongeur are very delicate. The components may get bent or break off if they are assembled or disassembled incorrectly. All assembly steps must be executed with special care and without applying any force. 1 Disassembly 3  1: rongeur body = shaft and fixed handle part 2: moving handle part  1  3: slider  2  Fig. 1 Fig. 2  Take the closed rongeur (mouth is closed) in both hands, as shown in figure 2, and cautiously push the slider out of the guiding axle using the thumb of the left hand.  Fig. 3  Figure 3: Push the slider back so far that the guiding pin of the moving handle part (see white arrow) is released from its retainer in the slider.  Figure 4: Let the slider slide upward and let it rest loose on the guiding pin of the moving handle part. Fig. 4
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File Name: FEHLING INSTRUMENTS - M 24 EN - CERAMO RICHTER X Rongeurs Assembly Instructions - 2018-09 - Rev 2.pdf

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