Fresenius Medical

5008 CorDiax and 5008S CorDiax Therapy System Basic Training Record Nov 2015

Basic Training Record

24 Pages

Haemodialysis  Nurse Personal Copy  The 5008 CorDiax and 5008S CorDiax Therapy System Basic Training Record Renal unit Trainee name Job title Training start date  Training completion date  Signature  Trainer name Job title Date  Signature  Professionals in health and social care are personally accountable for their use of devices and therefore must ensure that they have adequate training. They are also personally accountable for ensuring service users and carers have received appropriate training and know how to use the device that has been provided. An individual healthcare professional who uses the device in a way not intended or against manufacturer’s instructions may be liable for any consequences. Devices in Practice, MHRA. June 2014 Copyright: Crown  0466-FMC-HDPacks-Basic.indd 1  02/09/2016 11:23
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File Name: Fresenius Medical - 5008 CorDiax and 5008S CorDiax Therapy System Basic Training Record Nov 2015 - 2015-11.pdf

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