Fresenius Medical

Peritoneal Dialysis Systems

Liberty Cycler Start Up Card Rev B

Start Up Card

2 Pages

Know Before You Start Reduced alarms and more personalized therapy options with Liberty® Select 2.9.2. Welcome to your Liberty Select 2.9.2, the latest update to the Liberty Select cycler! Please read and reference this fact sheet and the additional training tools referenced on the back to familiarize yourself with the new features. For medical or clinical questions about these and any other features, please call your home therapy nurse or nurse on call. Note that the Liberty Select 2.9 User’s Guide/Handi-Guide/Procedure Card also applies to Liberty Select 2.9.2.  Optional Flow Alert Notification  Default Option: Flow Alert and Flow Alert sound are ON.  Option 2: You can choose to receive an on-screen alert without an audible alarm.  Option 3: You can choose to turn both Flow Alert notifications OFF.  Removal of the Scale  Choose your heater bag volume during initial setup.  Once selected, your choice becomes the default setting for your future treatments. You won’t have to change it again unless your bag volume changes.  If needed, press Back to change your heater bag volume.  See reverse for more information.
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File Size: 5.42 MB
File Name: Fresenius Medical - 480153 - Liberty Cycler Start Up Card Rev B - 2021-03.pdf

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