FSN Medical Technologies


FSN Medical Monitor 4K UHD Large FM Series Instructions for Use Aug 2021

Instructions for Use

32 Pages

Table of Contents Product Description / Intended Use... 3 Symbol Definitions... 4 Safety Instructions... 5 Warnings and Precautions... 7 Electromagnetic Compatibility... 10 Accessories... 15 Mechanical Drawings... 16-18 Controls... 19 On Screen Display (OSD)... 20-23 Window Layout... 24, 25 Standard Signal Table... 26 General Specifications... 27-29 Cleaning Instructions... 30  The specifications and information in this document are subject to change without notice.  eIFU indicator  2  Instructions for Use for this product are also available in electronic form (eIFU). Choose from several languages. Use Adobe Acrobat software to view eIFUs. Access the eIFUs online at fsnmed.com/support/eifu/ 8/2021
File Type: PDF
File Size: 463 KB
File Name: FSN Medical Monitor 4K UHD Large FM Series Instructions for Use Aug 2021.pdf

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