Fujifilm Medical Systems

Esophageal Probe

Esophageal Probes (CFM) Reprocessing Instructions

5 Pages

Esophageal Probes (CFM) Reprocessing Instruction Manufacturer: FUJIFILM Healthcare Corporation Products: This reprocessing instruction is valid for the following ultrasound probes without their optional parts for esophageal application:  •  EUP-ES52M  •  S3ESEL  •  UST-52110S, UST-52111S, UST-52126, UST-5240S-5, UST-5258-5, UST-5258S-5, UST-5271S-5, UST-5277-5, UST-5280-5, UST-5290-5, UST-5293-5  The probes described in this reprocessing instruction -  have no lumen or cavities,  -  are only limited submergible with a permitted depth of immersion,  -  are only approved for manual reprocessing. - Probes are delivered unsterile. Prior to the first use the probes have to be reprocessed depending on the type of application and with regard to the risk evaluation. - Particular attention is required for the cleaning of the lock lever and adjusting knob of the probe. WARNINGS  - Probe connector and a part of the probe have no water resistance (permitted depth of immersion see Figure). - If the entire length of the cable is wiped at once, a part of the cable may be wrinkled. Always wipe the cable in 20 cm intervals. - EUP-ES52M: Do not exceed 40°C - Other probes: Do not exceed 60°C.  Limitations on reprocessing  These probes are not completely submergible. Parts which are not submergible can only be disinfected by wipe disinfection.  Sterile pouch or container should be kept between transportation from Transportation before Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD) to operating room. Be careful that using no damages are applied to the pouch or container for transportation.  FUJIFILM Healthcare Deutschland GmbH  Version : 4 , Status: final  1/5
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File Size: 129 KB
File Name: Fujifilm Medical Systems - Hitachi Aloka - Esophageal Probes (CFM) Reprocessing Instructions - Ver 4.pdf

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