GE Healthcare

Anaesthesia System Carestation

Carestation 750 and 750c (A1) Users Reference Manual Sw Rev 02 Rev E

Users Reference Manual

270 Pages

Table of Contents 1 Introduction Product description... 1-2 Indications for use (Intended use)...1-2 General information... 1-3 Serial numbers...1-4 Trademarks... 1-5 Symbols, safety and manual terms... 1-6 Symbols used on the equipment...1-6 Symbols used on the user interface... 1-9 Typeface conventions used...1-10 Abbreviations... 1-11 System information... 1-14 System classification... 1-14 Device standards IEC 60601-1:2005 (+A1:2012)...1-14 Device standards IEC 60601-1:1988... 1-14 Integral system components... 1-15 Not integral system components...1-15 System safety... 1-16 Preparing for use... 1-16 Inspecting the system... 1-17 Electrical safety... 1-18  2 System controls and menus System overview... 2-2 Using the brake... 2-6 Using the O2 flush button... 2-6 Positioning the display...2-7 Connecting the breathing system bag hose... 2-7 Using the bag support arm... 2-9 Vaporizer controls... 2-10  2106375-001  i
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File Name: GE Healthcare - 2106375-001 - Carestation 750 and 750c (A1) Users Reference Manual Sw Rev 02 Rev E - 2020-07.pdf

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