GE Healthcare

GE Bilisoft 2.0 Operation Manual Rev D

Operation Manual

72 Pages

Table of Contents Indications for Use ... v About this Manual ... v About this Product ... vi User Responsibility ... vii Important Safety Information ... ix Contraindications ... xi Care of the Patient’s Skin ... xiii Safety Information ... xv Symbol Definitions ... xv Chapter 1 Components and User Controls ... 1-1 BiliSoft 2.0 Light Box ... 1-1 BiliSoft 2.0 Light Pad Assembly ... 1-4 Soft Cover Options (Disposables) ... 1-5 Chapter 2 Operating Instructions ... 2-1 Pre-use Checkout Procedure... 2-1 Light Pad Output ... 2-2 Positioning the Unit... 2-3 Attaching the Mounting Bracket ... 2-4 Using the Unit... 2-5 Installing Pad Covers ... 2-6 Chapter 3 Troubleshooting ... 3-1 Indicator Lights/Troubleshooting Guide ... 3-1 Chapter 4 Routine Cleaning and Maintenance ... 4-1 Cleaning and Disinfecting ... 4-1 Approved Cleaning Solutions... 4-1 Point of Use Cleaning... 4-2 Cleaning the Light Box between Patients ... 4-2 Cleaning the Light Pad and Cable between Patients ... 4-3 Cleaning the Light Pad Connector, Fiberoptic Lens and Connector Port Between Patients ... 4-4 Air Filter Cleaning/Replacement... 4-5 Factors that affect product life ... 4-5 Product storage ... 4-6 Chapter 5 ... 5-1 Chapter 6 Optional Equipment and Replacement Parts ... 6-1 Chapter 7 Specifications ... 7-1 Chapter 8 Technical Reference ... 8-1 Spectral Irradiance Light Output ... 8-1 Effective Pad Area for Irradiance Output ... 8-2 Pad Output Measurement Points ... 8-2 Chapter 9 EMC Guidance ... 9-1 Degraded Performance Characteristics ... 9-1 EMC Service Life ... 9-5 Appendix A1 - Additional Safety Information ... A1-1 Statements ... A1-1 Appendix A2 - Home Use ... A2-1 Homecare Providers ... A2-1 Parents or Guardians... A2-1 Before You Begin Treatment ... A2-1 The BiliSoft 2.0 Phototherapy System Components ... A2-2 iii
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