GE Healthcare

GE Bilisoft 2.0 Service and Maintenance Manual Rev F

Service and Maintenance Manual

74 Pages

Table of Contents About this Manual ... v About this Product... vi Important Safety Information ... vii Service Language Disclaimer ... vii Safety Information ... xv Symbol Definitions... xv Chapter 1 Functional Description ...1-1 Modes of operation... 1-4 Chapter 2 Components and User Controls ...2-1 BiliSoft 2.0 Light Box... 2-1 BiliSoft 2.0 Fiberoptic Light Pad Assembly ... 2-4 Soft Cover Options (Disposables)... 2-5 Chapter 3 Troubleshooting ...3-1 Troubleshooting Guide ... 3-1 Chapter 4 Service Maintenance / Checkout Procedures ...4-1 Procedures Schedule ... 4-2 Environmental Requirements... 4-2 Tool Requirements ... 4-3 Maintenance and Checkout Procedures ... 4-3 Visual Inspection ... 4-3 Functional Checks ... 4-4 Light Intensity Check ... 4-5 Light Pad Output ... 4-5 Electrical Safety Tests ... 4-6 Leakage Current Checks... 4-7 Chapter 5 Replacement/Procedures ...5-1 Electrical Safety Checkout Procedure ... 5-1 Light Intensity Checkout Procedure ... 5-1 Air filter Cleaning/Replacement ... 5-1 LED Module Replacement... 5-2 Fan Replacement... 5-6 Accessing/Replacing Other Internal Components ... 5-7 iii
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File Name: GE Healthcare - 2105858-001 - GE Bilisoft 2.0 Service and Maintenance Manual Rev F.pdf

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