GE Healthcare

Giraffe Warmer Clinical Participant Guide Rev A

Clinical Participant Guide

82 Pages

GE Healthcare  Giraffe Warmer *  ?  Clinical Participant Guide 80  60  100 120  12  8  40  16  4  20  20  0  0  24  kPa  140 160 180  (mm Hg)  VACUUM  4 2 10  L/min  5  6  70 80  7  8  3  20  1 kPa -1 0 0 (cmH2O)  -10  % O2 50  10  5  40  60  70 80  90  M A N O M E T E R  L/min 5  10  30 0  15  21  100 0  100  2000 150  250 0  200  1500 100 50  2000 150  15  250 0  200  3000  50  1000  1500  3000  O2  1000  Maternal-Infant Care  60  50 40 30  AIR
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