GE Healthcare

Mobile C-Arm

OEC Fluorostar Operator Manual May 2015

Operator Manual

341 Pages

Table of Contents  Table of Contents 1  Introduction and Safety... 16 1.1  Intended Use... 16  1.2  Intended Operator... 16  1.3 1.3.1  Equipment Training... 17 Training Frequency Recommendation... 18  1.4  Scope... 18  1.5 1.5.1  An Overview... 19 Construction and Function... 19  1.6  Safety Requirements and System Functions... 20  1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4  General Details... 22 Legal Manufacturer... 22 Place of Manufacture of the GE OEC Fluorostar... 22 Representative in the European Union... 22 Messages... 22  1.8 1.8.1  Service Numbers... 23 Service Worldwide... 23  1.9  Consent... 23  1.10  Hazards... 23  1.11 1.11.1  Electrical Safety... 24 Directive for the User... 25  1.12 1.12.1  Burns... 25 Draping... 25  1.13 1.13.1 1.13.2 1.13.3  EMERGENCY STOP... 26 EMERGENCY STOP Function Test... 27 Restart... 27 Recovery Management... 27  1.14 1.14.1  Components with Dangerous Electrical Voltage... 28 Hazards... 28  5477468_2  GE OEC Fluorostar  3
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