GE Healthcare

Proteus System

Proteus XR - f ET Operator Manual Rev 4

Operator Manual

120 Pages

GE Healthcare  Proteus XR/f ET  REV 4  OM 5764871--1EN  TABLE OF CONTENTS  Section 1  2  Page INTRODUCTION...  9  1.1  General Features...  11  1.2  Product Identification...  13  1.3  Indications for Use...  14  1.4  Applied Parts...  15  SAFETY AND REGULATORY INFORMATION...  17  2.1  General...  17  2.2  Responsibilities...  20  2.3  Maximum Permissible Dose (MPD)...  21  2.4  Radiation Protection...  22  2.5  Monitoring of Personnel...  24  2.6  Safety Symbols...  25  2.7  Regulatory Information...  30  2.7.1  Certifications...  30  2.7.2  Environmental Statement on the Cycle of the Equipment or System  30  2.7.3  Mode of Operation...  30  2.7.4  Protection against Electric Shock Hazards...  31  2.7.5  Protection against Harmful Ingress of Water or Particulate Matter . . .  31  2.7.6  Protection against Hazards of Ignition of Flammable Mixtures...  31  2.7.7  Protection against Hazards from Unwanted or Excessive Radiation .  31  2.7.8  Designated Significant Zones of Occupancy...  32  2.7.9  Distribution of Stray Radiation...  35  2.8  Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)...  38  2.9  Quantitative Information...  46  2.9.1  Functional Tests Performed to Obtain the Quantitative Information . .  46  2.10 Deterministic Effects...  53  5
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