GE Healthcare

VesaMed Ventilators

iVent201 User’s Reference Manual Rev 11 Dec 2006

User’s Reference Manual

310 Pages

iVent201 Operator's Manual  Table of Contents 1  Introduction ... 1 1.1 How To Use This Manual ... 3 1.2 Looking at the iVent201... 4 1.3 Cautions and Warnings ... 6 1.4 Symbols and Labels ... 8 1.5 Performance and Parameters ... 9 1.6 Specifications... 11 1.6.1 Monitored Data Range, Resolution and Accuracy ... 11 1.6.2 Size and Weight... 13 1.6.3 Ventilation Modes ... 14 1.6.4 Environmental Specifications... 14 1.6.5 Power Supply... 15 1.6.6 O2 Supply Specifications ... 15 1.6.7 Ventilation Performance and Controlled Parameters ... 16 1.7 Standards and Safety Requirements... 17 1.8 Displayed Parameters ... 17 1.9 User Adjustable Alarms ... 19 1.10 Additional Alarms... 19 1.11 Waveforms and Diagnostics Packages ... 20 1.12 Intended Use ... 21 1.13 Use of the iVent201 with MRi... 22  2  Setting Up... 27 2.1 Power Connection ... 28
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File Name: GE Healthcare - iVent201 User’s Reference Manual Rev 11 Dec 2006 - 2006-12.pdf

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