EyeSuite IM 900 Quick Reference

Quick Reference

2 Pages

GENERAL FUNCTIONALITY IM 900 / EYESUITE  TJ 09122009  100% light to oculars or 30% to oculars and 70% to camera  1  2  3  4  5  Cross hair eyepiece -Neutralise accommodation and correct for ametropia. -Right ocular is used for focussing  (2) Selection of images (FREEZE mode) version 1.1.1  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16  1 Switch between LIVE and Viewing 2 Photo mode 3 History trigger 4 Video mode (not applicable) 5 Snap shot (trigger) 6 Camera settings (1 standard) 7 Automatic camera 8 Exposure time 9 Brightness and contrast 10Gain camera 11Gamma camera 12 Show right and left eye thumbnails  Aperture control  (1) Exposure setting (LIVE mode)  6  LIVE screen, right mouse click to set screen size  17 18  19 20 21 22 23  13 Thumbnails on off 14 One image display 15 Two image display 16 Four image display 17 Select Right eye (without RM-01) 18 Select Left eye (without RM-01) 19 Import images 20 Export complete session 21 Print 22 Refresh page (start NEW session) 23 Exit  Buttons same L / R Freeze button & Confirm frame to capture  CAPTURE / VIEWING / EXPORT / REFRESH  START  Switch LIVE to VIEWING  EXPOSURE (Live mode) L & R same  ENHANCE IMAGES  IM 900 Short Imaging Guide Direct Capture Mode. For full functionality refer to the user manual. Also refer to the IM 900 Imaging guide for photography settings  FREEZE show last image of buffer  BROWSE MEMORY SELECT IMAGE (Freeze mode) via mouse select Also via Mouse multiple images  DELETE: CTRL / SHIFT – Right Mouse  EXPORT All  BROWSE via scroll wheel mouse STORE image selected  Provide folder name & Location to store  RETURN TO LIVE  START NEW SESSION  GO TO LIVE MODE
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