HAAG-STREIT EyeSuite Imaging Aplications

EyeSuite IM 900 Image Exposure Guide


4 Pages

Image Exposure Guide  EyeSuite IM900 LED Illumination v1.1 Diffuse Illumination Magnification  10 x or 16 x  Slit Illumination Level Background Level  Open @ 45 degrees, Diffused 7 2  Aperture  5  EyeSuite Exposure  1/90 Preset 1  Diffuse - Conjunctiva Magnification  10x or 16x  Slit Illumination Level Background Level  Open @45 degrees, Diffused, 4 1  Aperture  6  EyeSuite Exposure  1/125 Preset 1  Tips & Technique *Low magnification – overview images *Open slit fully – slit width can also be used to control exposure * Beware of unwanted reflection artefacts  Narrow Slit – Cornea Magnification  16x or 25x  Slit Illumination Level Background Level  < 0.2mm wide >60 degrees from mic 10 1  Aperture  1  EyeSuite Exposure  1/30 Preset 1
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File Name: HAAG-STREIT - EyeSuite IM 900 Image Exposure Guide.pdf

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