Software Manual

205 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1  INTRODUCTION ...  2  PURPOSE OF USE ...  3  SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS... 3.1 Gerenal.. ... 3.2 Plausibility of measurements ... 3.3 IOL calculation ... 3.4 IOL constants... 3.5 Warranty and product liability... Statutory requirements... 3.6  4  GENERAL ... 4.1 Minimum PC requirements... 4.2 Data-storage requirement ...  5  PROGRAM INSTALLATION... 5.1 Preparation... 5.2 Installation of EyeSuite... 5.3 Installation of USB drivers...  6  GENERAL PROGRAM FUNCTIONS... 6.1 Settings ... 6.2 Haag-Streit script language... 6.3 Report writer... 6.4 Database backup and restore... 6.5 Archiving / compression of data ... 6.6 How to connect to 3rd party IOL calculation software... 6.7 How to network EyeSuite ...  7  PATIENTS/DATA MANAGEMENT ... 7.1 User interface... 7.2 Select Patient ... 7.3 Add Patient... 7.4 Edit Patient... 7.5 Delete Patient... 7.6 Select Examination ... 7.7 Delete Examination ...  8  BIOMETRY 8.1 General precautions... 8.2 Examination ... 8.3 Results and evaluations ... 8.4 Settings ...  9  IOL CALCULATION... 9.1 IOL data ... 9.2 IOL calculation ...  10  SERVICE FUNCTIONS ... 10.1 Nullification... 10.2 Measuring check...  11  ABBREVIATIONS/GLOSSARY ...  12  ERROR MESSAGES, BUGFIX ...  Software Manual Biometer LENSTAR LS 900
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File Name: HAAG-STREIT - LS900 Software Manual Jan 2009 - 2009-01.pdf

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