IM 900 and EyeCap Quick User Guide

Quick User Guide

1 Page

IM 900 & EyeCap: Quick User Guide Explanation functionality - Capture  DISCONNECT  CAPTURE  LEFT EYE  RIGHT EYE  CONNECT  SET-UP  Scroll wheel can also be used for [1] Exposure settings (LIVE mode) [2] Selection of images (FREEZE mode)  LENGTH VIDEO CAPTURE* Aperture control  Cross hair eyepiece to neutralise accommodation. Placed on right side. Use one eye to focus for imaging  100% light to oculars or 30% to oculars and 70% to camera  (1) Exposure setting (LIVE mode)  Capture button  CAPTURE MODE* EXPOSURE  (2) Selection of images (FREEZE mode)  Place pointer on section  HISTORY TRIGGER BACK  FREEZE  FORWARD LIVE VIDEO  [1] After composition of the image, buttons B can be used to change the exposure settings. Or scroll wheel mouse.  B  A  [2] Press A to FREEZE image [3] Press buttons B or scroll wheel mouse to go back in time Disconnect [4[ Press button A to confirm the image capture and return in LIVE mode  CONNECT  Selection of images from History trigger using software keys  LIVE image on display  FREEZE  Quick User Guide does not replace the operation instruction manual  Back / Forward  CAPTURE  SAVE to Database To view images see 10 (page 2)  TO LIVE VIDEO  *VIDEO capture not possible with EyeCap LITE  IM900 QUG 170407  IM900 & EyeCap  EyeCap functionality  1 - Logging onto EyeCap  2 - Creating new Patient record Enter user name and password  4 – Connect  3 – Capture NEW visit  See page 1 For capture details  Creates new episode and opens capture  Type data in yellow fields  Default user name: eyecap (no password)  5 - Edit episode  6 - Add episode  7 – Capture EXISTING visit  Select session  Select session  8 - Select existing patient  9 - Edit patient information Type in search criteria  2 x click on patient to display  10 - Viewing Images  Select session See preview right  ZOOM - Scroll wheel on image  Edit yellow sections  11 – Main Enhancements functions Select image from thumbnails, by drag and drop. In 1-up view: 2x click on thumbnail to display, Arrow keys to show next image  Toggle between 1-up / 4-up Compare sessions / print over 4 images  Brightness  Import images  Contrast  Export images single or multiple²  View planes¹  Save data (right mouse DICOM session export)  Crop ¹ Right mouse to select different mode  Exit ² Select multiple thumbnails Ctrl/Shft and drag buttons on top of them.
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File Name: HAAG-STREIT - IM 900 and EyeCap Quick User Guide.pdf

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