
Pocket Colorimeter II User Manual Edition 1 April 2014

User Manual

32 Pages

Table of Contents Section 1 Specifications ... 3 Section 2 General information ... 5 2.1 Safety information ... 5 2.1.1 Use of hazard information ... 5 2.1.2 Precautionary labels ... 6 2.1.3 Certification ... 6 2.2 Product overview ... 7 Section 3 Startup ... 9 3.1 Install the batteries ... 9 3.2 Install the cap cord ... 10 Section 4 User interface and navigation ... 11 4.1 Keypad description ... 11 4.2 Display description ... 11 Section 5 Operation ... 13 5.1 Configure the instrument ... 13 5.2 Run a test ... 13 5.3 Show the recorded measurements ... 16 5.4 Standard calibration adjust ... 17 5.4.1 Adjust the factory calibration with a standard ... 17 5.4.2 Set the standard calibration adjust to off ... 18 5.5 User-entered calibration ... 18 5.5.1 Channel restrictions ... 18 5.5.2 Enter a calibration curve with standards ... 19 5.5.3 Enter a calibration curve with the keypad ... 20 5.5.4 Remove a calibration point ... 21 5.5.5 Set to the factory default calibration ... 22 Section 6 Maintenance ... 23 6.1 Clean the instrument ... 23 6.2 Clean the sample cells ... 23 6.3 Replace the batteries ... 24 Section 7 Troubleshooting ... 25 Section 8 Replacement parts ... 27  1
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