Hamamatsu Photonics K.K

Near Infrared Oxygenation Monitors

NIRO-200NX Curve Interpretation Compact


2 Pages

Tissue Oxygenation Monitoring  Benefits ofBene 5 pa  Measuring situat Arterial Vasodila  Measuring situation Measuring situation Arterial Vasodilation  Benefits of 5 Parameters:  TOI  TOI  nTHI  nTHI  O2Hb  O2Hb  HHb  HHb  cHb  cHb  parameters: Measuring situation  Measuring situation  Measuring situation Measuring situation Measuring situ Hyperoxia Hyperoxia Hypoxia Measuring situation either reduced oxygen consumptioneither rise of oxygen Arterial Vasoconstriction either reduced oxygen consumption or rise of arterial saturation or rise of arterial saturation or drop of arterial  TOI  TOI  TOI  TOI  nTHI  nTHI  nTHI  nTHI  O2Hb  O2Hb  O2Hb  O2Hb  HHb  HHb  HHb  HHb  cHb  cHb  cHb  cHb
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File Name: Hamamatsu Photonics K.K - NIRO-200NX Curve Interpretation Compact.pdf

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