heart sure

A320 User Manual April 2016

User Manual

18 Pages

Section 1  Safety 1.1 Instructions for the Safe Operation and Use of the Pulse Oximeter Do not attempt to service the Pulse Oximeter yourself. Only qualified service personnel should attempt any necessary internal servicing. Prolonged use or depending on the patient's condition may require changing the sensor site periodically. Change sensor site and check skin integrity, circulatory status and correct alignment at least every 2 hours. SpO2 measurements may be adversely affected in the presence of high ambient light. Shield the sensor area if necessary. The following will cause interference to the testing accuracy of the Pulse Oximeter: High-frequency electrosurgical equipment. Placement of the sensor on an extremity with a blood pressure cuff, arterial catheter, or intravascular line. Patients with hypotension, severe vasoconstriction, severe anaemia or hypothermia. The patient is in cardiac arrest or is in shock. Fingernail polish or false fingernails may cause inaccurate SpO2 readings. 1.2 Warnings WARNING: EXPLOSION HAZARD Do not use the Pulse Oximeter in a flammable atmosphere where concentrations of flammable products exist. WARNING: Do not throw batteries in fire as this may cause them to explode. WARNING: Do not attempt to recharge normal dry-cell batteries as they may leak, cause a fire or explode. WARNING: Do not use the Pulse Oximeter in an MRI or CT environment.
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File Name: heart sure - A320 User Manual April 2016 - 2016-04.pdf

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