HEINE Classic + and Modular Laryngoscope Blades Hygienic Reprocessing April 2016

Reprocessing Guide

4 Pages

Hygienic Reprocessing  HEINE Classic+ and Modular+ Laryngoscope blades As described in the instruction manual med 4797 (Classic+) and 1302 (Modular+), the following directions must always be adhered to. General warning and safety information: WARNING! This symbol draws attention to a potentially dangerous situation. Non-observance can result in mild to moderate injuries. (Background color yellow; foreground color black). NOTE! This symbol is used for information regarding installation, operation, maintenance or repairs that are important but are not associated with dangers.  1/4  MED 113002 2016-04-05  Reprocessing limit (service life)  The following instructions must be incorporated into the internal regulations of hospitals and clinics, for instance with regard to the implementation of national guidelines, recommendations, standards and laws. National guidelines, recommendations (e.g. with regard to CJD / vCJD), standards and laws must furthermore be observed and implemented. Devices that are suspected to have come into contact with the pathogens of Creutzfeld-Jakob disease (CJD) or its variants may not be reprocessed under any circumstances. Hygienically reprocess any contact surfaces and otherwise contaminated surfaces after each use. The described cleaning and disinfection measures do not replace the specific rules applicable for the establishment. Observe the instructions of the manufacturer of the reprocessing media. HEINE Optotechnik only recommends the below mentioned agents and processes. When using other disinfectants: These must be bactericidal, (including mycobacteria), fungicidal and virucidal. The disinfection, according to FDA recommendations in the United States, must be at least a highlevel disinfection or it must take place after sterilization. The preparation is to be carried out by persons with adequate hygienic expertise. Check the device for contaminates before use. If necessary, clean the device or dispose of it in the event of non-removable contamination. During reassembly, make sure that non-sterile parts (inserts, base caps, batteries, etc.) do not recontaminate already sterile parts (blade, handle / head) Following each cleaning, disinfection or sterilization, check that the laryngoscope blade is functioning properly. After reprocessing and before use, carry out a functional check for any damages (sharp edges, ruptures). A spray disinfection is not permitted! (lack of effectiveness, health hazards and / or damage to the product) In order to avoid surface rust, the blade, the handle shell and the handle head may not be processed with inferior instruments. No ultrasonic reprocessing. The optical fibres could be damaged beyond repair. The Hygienic reprocessing only has a minor influence on the product life as this is determined mainly by wear and tear during use. Periodically check the integrity of the device and that the illumination is sufficient!
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File Name: HEINE - HEINE Classic + and Modular Laryngoscope Blades Hygienic Reprocessing April 2016 - 2016-04.pdf

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