Hills Healthcare

Hills Healthcare Patient Lifters

KH 404FP SWIFT-LIFT Lifter Operating, Maintenance and Cleaning Manual KEIM-060

Operating, Maintenance and Cleaning Manual

12 Pages

KEI M060  KH404FP  OPERATI NG,MAI NTENANCEANDCLEANI NG MANUAL  100Mul gulr oad,Mal agaWest er nAust r al i a6090 T:+61892484444 F:+61892484450 E:sal es@hi l l sheal t hcar e. com. au W:www. hi l l sheal t hcar e. com. au
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File Size: 4.99 MB
File Name: Hills Healthcare - KH 404FP SWIFT-LIFT Lifter Operating, Maintenance and Cleaning Manual KEIM-060.pdf

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