NovaSure Instructions for Use and Controller Operators Manual Rev 014 Jan 2021

Instructions for Use and Controller Operators Manual

160 Pages

ENGLISH  NovaSure® Instructions for Use and Controller Operator’s Manual  CAUTION: FEDERAL (USA) LAW RESTRICTS THIS DEVICE TO SALE BY OR ON THE ORDER OF A PHYSICIAN TRAINED IN THE USE OF THE DEVICE.  Table of Contents  Read all instructions, cautions and warnings prior to use. Failure to follow any instructions or to heed any warnings or precautions could result in serious patient injury.  Physician Checklist... 1 System Description... 1  NOTE: The manual that accompanied the disposable device may contain a more recent revision of the NovaSure system instructions than the manual provided with the controller.  Indications... 3 Contraindications... 3 Precautions... 4  The NovaSure disposable device is not to be used with other controllers and/or RF generators, and the NovaSure RF controller is not to be used with other disposable devices.  Adverse Events... 5  The NovaSure disposable device does not contain latex.  Warnings... 3  Anticipated Post-Procedural Complications... 6  Physician Checklist The physician must:  Other Adverse Events... 6 Clinical Study... 6  • have sufficient experience in performing procedures within the uterine cavity, such as IUD insertion or dilation and curettage (D&C) and with adequate training, knowledge and familiarity using the NovaSure system; • review and be familiar with the instructions and complete either NovaSure training or be trained by a qualified physician; • be aware of the appropriate sequence of actions detailed in the Instructions for Use and Troubleshooting sections of this manual to abort, resolve and/or continue the treatment in the event the system detects a loss of CO2 during the cavity integrity assessment (CIA), which indicates a possible uterine perforation. Adjunct personnel must be familiar with these instructions and other training materials prior to using the NovaSure system.  Patient Selection... 9 Patient Counseling... 9 Pretreatment Preparation of Patient... 9 NovaSure Impedance Controlled Endometrial Ablation System Instructions for Use... 10 Periodic Maintenance and Service: Model 08-09 RF Controller... 16 NovaSure Model 08-09 RF Controller LED Descriptions... 18 Troubleshooting Most Common Alarms: Model 08-09 RF Controller... 18 Periodic Maintenance and Service: Model 10 RF Controller... 21  System Description The NovaSure impedance controlled endometrial ablation system consists of the NovaSure disposable device with connecting cord, NovaSure RF controller (controller), NovaSure CO2 canister, desiccant, foot switch and power cord, which are designed to be used together as a system.  NovaSure Model 10 RF Controller Screen Icons... 21 Troubleshooting Most Common Alarms: Model 10 RF Controller... 22 Additional Troubleshooting... 24 Replacement Instructions... 24 Specifications... 25 Cleaning and Sanitizing... 28 Parts List... 28 Warranty... 28 Technical Support and Product Return Information... 29 Symbol Definitions... 30  NovaSure Disposable Device with Connecting Cord, Including Suction Line Desiccant MAN-03523  07/01/2021  1
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