Mini-Wright Disinfection Instructions Issue 5 May 2007

Disinfection Instructions

3 Pages

Issue 5 – May 2007  How to disinfect the Mini Wright Standard Peak Flow Meter, the AFS Low Range Mini Peak Flow meter and the Mini-Wright Digital Introduction The Mini-Wright Peak Flow Meter was designed as a portable device to help healthcare professionals monitor lung function; to minimise the risk of cross-infection, it has an integral one-way valve that prevents the patient from breathing in any of the previous patient’s exhaled breath that could remain in the meter (Mini-Wright Digital does not have a one-way valve). The importance of peak flow monitoring results in many patients receiving their own personal Meter for home monitoring of lung function, through prescription or recommended purchase; Doctors surgeries and Hospitals may also wish to issue Peak Flow Meters on a loan basis and therefore need a means of reprocessing each device before reissue. The following instructions have been prepared to facilitate multiple-patient use. Note: We would recommend that if the last user was diagnosed or suspected of having a serious communicable disease that the meter should be disposed of. Devices used for multiple patients may need to be replaced more often than those used by only one person.  Frequency of disinfecting the Mini Wright Range of Peak flow Meters The following recommendations for disinfecting peak flow meter frequencies are presented as a guide only. In practice, the person responsible for the clinical wellbeing of the patient should consider the specific circumstances of the next patient and the risk posed by cross-infection. Mouthpiece Type  Disposable One-Way cardboard mouthpieces (Single use device*)  Disposable bacterial filters (Single use device*)  Disposable cardboard mouthpieces (Single use device*)  Sterilizable plastic mouthpieces  Frequency  WEEKLY  WEEKLY  Between Patients  Between Patients  * Single Use Device means “Do Not Reuse” (EN 980:2003), Clement Clarke Int. Ltd consider that multiple measurements being made by the same patient in one consultation can be considered as a “Single Use” as long as the mouthpiece/filter is not damaged between measurements. This interpretation cannot be applied to all devices marked as “single Use”. Reprocessing - Sterilizable Plastic Mouthpiece • • •  Clean using an automatic dishwasher (2 min pre-wash, 3 min detergent wash, dry) Autoclave in saturated steam (max. 134°C - 137°C) for 3 minutes (refer to autoclave manufacturers instructions for details of cycles available). Alternatively, the method below can be used to disinfect the mouthpiece.  Page 1 of 3
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