
icare Tonometer TA01 and TA01i Service Manual Rev 6

Service Manual

21 Pages

Table of Contents ICARE TONOMETER TA01 AND TA01I ...1 SERVICE MANUAL: LEVEL I ...1 1. 2.  INTRODUCTION ... 3 SERVICE FLOWCHART ... 3 2.1. Service level I ... 3 2.2. Service level II and III ... 3 3. DOCUMENTATION ... 4 The following service activities are documented during the service: ... 4 3.1. Service requests from the customers ... 4 3.2. Service request form ... 4 3.3. Service report ... 4 3.4. Calibration report... 4 3.5. Waybill of the return shipment ... 4 Recommended additional documents ... 4 3.6. Confirmation of the service cost from the customer ... 4 4. TONOMETER PARTS... 5 5. QUICK INSPECTION GUIDE... 7 6. CHANGE THE BATTERIES ... 9 7. CHECK THE SOFTWARE VERSION ... 10 Checking the software version (if the device can be turned on) ... 10 8. REPLACE THE PROBE BASE... 10 9. OPEN THE TONOMETER... 10 9.1. Software version and tonometer type ... 13 10. REPLACE TONOMETER PARTS ... 14 10.1. Back panel ... 14 10.2. Side covers ... 15 10.3. Serial number label ... 16 10.4. Forehead support ... 17 10.5. Measuring coil ... 18 10.6. Mother board... 18 10.7. Battery connectors ... 20 10.8. Thread plate ... 20 11. CALIBRATION... 20 12. TROUBLESHOOTING ... 21  2
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File Name: ICARE - icare Tonometer TA01 and TA01i Service Manual Rev 6 - 2009-05.pdf

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