

AudioConsole 3 for Windows Oscilla SM series User Manual Ver 1.0.4

User Manual

33 Pages

AudioConsole 3 User manual Oscilla® SM Audiometer series  Table of contents:  1. System requirements... 4 2. Installation ... 5 3. Install the license key ... 9 4. Enable a COM port ... 10 5. Using AudioConsole... 11 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6.  Starting AudioConsole and selecting a patient... 11 Sending data from audiometer to computer ... 13 Printing an audiogram ... 14 Patient Database ... 15 The toolbar... 20 The Settings window ... 22  6. Group Audiogram ... 28 7. Uninstallation ... 30 8. Appendix ... 31 8.1. Microsoft .Net Framework 2.0 Installation ... 31  Page 3 / 33
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File Name: Inmedico - AudioConsole 3 for Windows Oscilla SM series User Manual Ver 1.0.4.pdf

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