

Oscilla T830 and T840 User Guide Oct 2017

User Guide

32 Pages

User Guide  Table of Contents 1  Overview _______________________________________________________________________ 4  2  Intended use ____________________________________________________________________ 5  3  Unpacking ______________________________________________________________________ 6  4  Installation _____________________________________________________________________ 6  5  The probe and the contralateral phone _______________________________________________ 8  6  Tympanometry testing using the device ______________________________________________ 11  7  Testing using the Oscilla® AudioConsole software ______________________________________ 17  8  Tympanometry testing using AudioConsole ___________________________________________ 17  9  Device setup using AudioConsole ___________________________________________________ 18  10 Service, cleaning and calibration____________________________________________________ 18 11 Technical specifications __________________________________________________________ 22 12 Standards and warnings __________________________________________________________ 28 13 Other references ________________________________________________________________ 31 14 Manufacturer __________________________________________________________________ 31  Inmedico A/S - T830/T840  3
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File Size: 916 KB
File Name: Inmedico - 7-50-1810-EN-03 - Oscilla T830 and T840 User Guide Oct 2017 - 2017-10.pdf

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