

Diagnostic Audiometer AD629 Operation Manual Nov 2011

Operation Manual

76 Pages

Table of Contents 1  Introduction ... 1 1.1 Intended Use ... 1 1.2 Precautions ... 1 1.3 Warranty ... 2 1.4 Safety Regulations ... 3 1.5 List of Symbols ... 4 1.6 Manufacturer... 4  2  Unpacking/Inspection ... 5 2.1 Check Box and Contents for Damage ... 5 2.2 Store Carton for future Shipment ... 5 2.3 Contents of Shipment ... 5 2.4 Reporting Imperfections ... 5 2.5 Care and Maintenance ... 6  3  Getting Started: Setup and Installation ... 7 3.1 Back Panel External Connections – Standard Accessories ... 8 3.2 PC-Interface... 8  4  Functions of Buttons ... 9 4.1 AD629 Versions ... 12  5  Patient Communication ... 13 5.1 Talk Forward ... 13 5.2 Talk Back ... 13  6  Client and Session Handling ... 15 6.1 Saving Sessions and Creating Clients ... 15 6.2 Viewing Stored Sessions ... 16  7  Pure Tone Presentation ... 19 7.1 General about Air and Bone Conduction ... 19 7.2 Common Test Use ... 19 Insert Earphones ... 19 7.2.2 Tone/Warble ... 20 7.2.3 Pulsed Tones ... 20 7.2.4 Free Field ... 20 7.2.5 Extended Range ... 20 7.2.6 Attenuator Steps ... 20 7.2.7 Measurement Type ... 20 7.2.8 Tone Tests... 20 7.2.9 High Frequency Audiometry (optional license) ... 21 7.3 Manual Air Conduction Testing ... 21
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File Name: Interacoustics - Diagnostic Audiometer AD629 Operation Manual Nov 2011 - 2011-11.pdf

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