
Hearing Aid Analyzers

Callisto Operation Manual Sept 2011

Operation Manual

328 Pages

Table of Contents 1  TO KNOW BEFORE YOU START INSTALLATION ... 1.1  2  DRIVER INSTALLATION... 2.1  2.1  How to Install a Shortcut in the Noah3 Toolbar for direct access to the Software Suite ... 2.6  2.2  License ... 2.6  3  THE HARDWARE PLATFORM ... 3.1  3.1  Intended Use ... 3.1  3.2  Precautions ... 3.1  3.3  Warranty ... 3.3  3.4  General Maintenance Procedures ... 3.4  3.5  Unpacking and Inspection... 3.4  3.6  Concerning Repair ... 3.5  3.7  Callisto™ - Connection Panel Dictionary ... 3.5  3.8  Explanation to symbols which may be found on the instrument: ... 3.6  3.9  Manufacturer ... 3.6  4  AC440... 4.1  4.1  AC440 Quick Guides ... 4.1 4.1.1 Tone Audiometry ... 4.1 4.1.2 Speech Audiometry ... 4.3  4.2  About AC440 module ... 4.7  4.3  Launching AC440 together with databases ... 4.8 4.3.1 Launching AC440 from Noah3: ... 4.8 4.3.2 Launching AC440 from OtoAccess™ ... 4.9  4.4  The Tone Screen Elements ...4.10  4.5  The Speech Screen Elements ...4.14 4.5.1 Speech Audiometry in Graph Mode ... 4.16 4.5.2 Speech Audiometry in Table Mode ... 4.17 The SRT table... 4.17 The WR table ... 4.18
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File Name: Interacoustics - 80912801 - Callisto Operation Manual Sept 2011 - 2011-09.pdf

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