

MT10 Additional Information June 2016

Additional Information

26 Pages

Table of Contents 1  Using the MT10 ... 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4  2.  Installing & replacing batteries ... 1 Controls and indicators ... 1 The Probe ... 2 Start up and menu display ... 2  Taking Measurements ... 3 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4  Prior to testing and Ambient conditions ... 3 Performing a test ... 3 Ear seal check ... 6 Reflex auto stop... 7  3.  Saving Results in the Database ... 9  4.  Sending the Results to a Printer ... 11  5.  Sending the Results to a Computer ... 13  6.  Data Management ... 15 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5  List records ... 15 Print records ... 16 Send records to a PC ... 16 Delete records ... 16 Performing daily checks ... 16  7.  Error Messages... 19  8.  Recommended Litterature ... 21
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File Size: 5.58 MB
File Name: Interacoustics - MT10 Additional Information June 2016 - 2016-06.pdf

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