Users Guide
106 Pages

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Table of Contents 1 System Overview DR Software ...1-1 Indication for Use ...1-1 User Interface ...1-2 Using the Touch Screen...1-2 Navigation Buttons ...1-2 Error Messages ...1-2 Main Menu Selection Functions...1-3 Main Menu Screen LOG OUT Button...1-3 Entering Information into Screen Fields ...1-4 Virtual Keyboards...1-5 Standard Alphanumeric Virtual Keyboard...1-5 Standard Numeric Virtual Keypad...1-5 Button Array...1-6 Status Bar...1-6 Bar Code Scanner ...1-6 Using the Bar Code Scanner ...1-7 Image Acquisition Workflow ...1-8 Typical Workflow ...1-8 2 Acquiring Images – Basic Operations Starting and Logging On to the System...2-1 Overview ...2-1 Logging On to the Operator Console Application ...2-2 Warming Up the X-ray Tube ...2-3 Capturing Images ...2-4 Overview ...2-4 Exam Data Entry...2-4 Entering Patient Information for a New Patient...2-5 Entering Patient Information for a Trauma Study...2-8 Entering Patient Information for an Existing Patient ...2-10 Entering Exam Information ...2-15 Saving the Patient/Exam Information...2-17 Changing the Output Destinations...2-18
Table of Contents
Adjusting the Exposure Technique Settings and the Exposure Sequence (Option)...2-18 Adjusting the Hardware...2-18 Automatic Motion (Option)...2-18 Auto Positioning (Option)...2-19 Scheduled Workflow (Options)...2-20 QA Modes ...2-20 Exposing the Patient...2-21 Overview ...2-21 To Acquire the Image...2-23 Modifying, Accepting, or Rejecting the Image...2-25 Putting the System Components into Standby Mode ...2-25 General Information...2-25 Standby Mode Procedure ...2-25 3 Acquiring Images – Additional Operations Adjusting Technique Settings...3-1 Overview ...3-1 Adjusting the Values Using the Single and Double Arrows...3-2 Adjusting kVp...3-2 Selecting the mA Station ...3-2 Minimum and Maximum KVp and mA: ...3-3 Selecting mAs or Time as the Exposure Control...3-3 Adjusting mAs or Exposure Time...3-3 Changing AEC Settings ...3-4 Selecting the Focal Spot...3-6 Selecting the Patient Size ...3-6 Heat Units Status ...3-7 Selecting the Detector ...3-7 Adding a View to a Procedure Step...3-9 Cancelling a Procedure Step...3-9 Viewing Images ...3-10 Modifying Images...3-10 Accepting and Routing Images ...3-11 Viewing Multi-Format Settings ...3-12 Deleting Images ...3-13 Reviewing Images...3-14 FAILED DELIVERY Button...3-14 UNASSIGNED IMAGES Button ...3-14 Printing Images...3-21 True-Size Printing ...3-22 Configuring Multi-Format Pages ...3-22 2
Table of Contents
4 Maintaining Image Quality Understanding Image Quality... 4-1 Tips for Image Processing ... 4-1 Understanding Contrast and Brightness ... 4-2 Adjusting Contrast... 4-2 Adjusting Brightness ... 4-3 Changing Image Orientation ... 4-3 Changing Image Tone Scale ... 4-3 Image Processing ... 4-5 Recommendations for Improving Image Quality ... 4-10 5 Managing the Image Output Queue and Resending Images Managing Images... 5-1 Managing Failed Delivery Images... 5-2 6 Utilities Utilities Main Menu... 6-1 Warming Up the X-ray Tube... 6-2 Detector Calibration ... 6-4 Protecting Patient Records... 6-6 Overview... 6-6 To Protect a Patient Record and the Related Images ... 6-6 To Unprotect a Patient Record... 6-7 Harvesting Files to CD... 6-8 Overview... 6-8 Harvesting DICOM Part10 Files... 6-8 Ejecting the CD ... 6-10 Changing Your Password ... 6-12 System Recovery ... 6-13 System Status ... 6-15
System Overview The information contained herein is based on the experience and knowledge relating to the subject matter gained by Carestream Health, Inc. prior to publication. No patent license is granted by this information. Carestream Health, Inc. reserves the right to change this information without notice, and makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information. Carestream Health shall not be liable for any loss or damage, including consequential or special damages, resulting from any use of this information, even if loss or damage is caused by Carestream Health’s negligence or other fault. IMPORTANT:
Personnel operating and maintaining the DR System should receive training and be familiar with all aspects of operation and maintenance. To ensure safety, read the Safety and Regulatory Information carefully before using the system and observe all Cautions, Importants, and Notes located throughout the manual.
DR Software The Kodak DirectView DR Software is the operating software installed on the Operator Console of the Kodak DirectView DR Systems.
Indication for Use
The Kodak DirectView DR System is a permanently installed diagnostic system intended to generate and control X-rays for examination of various anatomical regions. The Operator Console for the DR System has application whenever generation and transmission of radiographic images and associated patient data is desired to take place from the DR System, to any output device, such as hard copy, soft copy or archive devices. Follow all safety labels on the equipment. CAUTION:
Put the Console into Standby Mode once a week to ensure that the Console resets. If this is not done, system performance deteriorates. Press the blue Power On/Standby button on the front of the Console. The Workstation computer indicates that it is turning off; power is removed from the computer and OTC within a few minutes. Press the blue Power On/Standby button to restart the system. 6H6860
System Overview
User Interface Using the Touch Screen
When you are logged on, the Main Menu appears on the touch screen. To select a menu choice, touch the center of the button. DR Main Menu Screen
NOTE: Use only your finger when selecting buttons on the screen. Other objects can damage the surface of the touch screen. The touch screen automatically shuts off if it is not used for a certain length of time. Touch the screen to reactivate it.
Navigation Buttons
Use the navigation buttons to move from screen to screen or to other functions.
Error Messages
Error Messages are displayed to alert you to errors that occur during operation. Each Error Message describes the cause of the error along with instructions on how to clear the error. If necessary, write down the error message and call your authorized Service Provider. For more information, see your Kodak DirectView DR 7500 System Hardware Guide.
System Overview
Main Menu Selection The function buttons on the Main Menu are: Functions • Study Data–for entering patient information, creating new studies, accessing worklists. • Image Review–for viewing all stored images, reprocessing images, and routing images. • Utilities–for warming up the X-ray Tube, protecting patient records, and saving images to CD. • Key Operator Functions–for setting up and managing system configurations (Key Operator use only). • Administrator Functions–for managing accounts, viewing rejected images, and managing reject statistics (Administrator use only). • Applications Consultant–for setting or changing Image Processing parameters, configuring the monitor, configuring options, and SMPTE Test Pattern (Applications Consultant use only). • Service Functions–for servicing the machine (Field Engineer or qualified Service Engineer use only). NOTE: The Key Operator Functions, Administrator Functions, Applications Consultant, and Service Functions selections are only accessible by authorized personnel.
Main Menu Screen LOG OUT Button
Touch LOG OUT to log out the user.
System Overview
Entering Information Enter data manually using the touch screen or keyboard. into Screen Fields 1. Touch the desired field to make it active. The field turns blue, indicating that it is active and ready for data entry. 2. To enter data, use the virtual keyboard or physical keyboard. Patient Input Screen
System Overview
Virtual Keyboards
Virtual keyboards are software-generated keyboards that enable you to enter data using the touch screen. There are three keyboard types: • an alphanumeric keyboard, similar to a standard keyboard, for entering strings of information • a numeric keypad for entering numbers • a button array for entering unique inputs for a particular field type.
Standard Touch all the characters you want to enter into a field and touch Enter. The Alphanumeric Virtual display either returns to the previous screen or moves to the next empty field. Keyboard Standard Alphanumeric Virtual Keyboard
Standard Numeric Virtual Keypad
Touch all the characters you want to enter into a field and touch Enter. The display either returns to the previous screen or moves to the next empty field. Standard Numeric Virtual Keypad
System Overview
Button Array
Button Array keyboards are unique to the type of field selected. Touch the button to enter the button name in the field. Button Array Keyboards
Status Bar
On some screens, a status bar appears to show the status of the operation. Status Bar
Bar Code Scanner The Operator Console has a bar code scanner attached to the unit which you can use to scan information from bar codes. Use the bar code scanner to enter information directly into the DR System. The following fields can be filled in using the bar code scanner: • Accession Number • Patient ID Number • CR Cassette ID Bar Code Scanner
NOTE: The scan type for the bar code scanner is type 39. The bar code scanner can be reconfigured for any bar code type.
System Overview
Using the Bar Code Scanner
Your Key Operator can program the bar code scanner to read bar codes automatically or manually. 1. Position the bar code scanner 3-8 inches (8 - 20 cm) from the bar code. 2. Center the bar code scanner horizontally on the bar code so the light falls
on the bar code. 3. For manual operation, squeeze and hold the trigger until the red light goes out and you hear a high-pitched beep. 4. For automatic operation, hold the bar code being read under the light
until you hear a high-pitched beep.
System Overview
Image Acquisition Workflow Typical Workflow
NOTE: At many sites, a visit ID is referred to as an Accession Number. If your site: • Supports a connection to a HIS/RIS or other remote patient database, the Operator Console application queries that database for the patient ID, visit ID, or patient first or last name. • Does not support a remote database connection, the Operator Console application searches its local database for the patient information.(Depending on available storage space, the Operator Console keeps patient/visit information temporarily to avoid re-entering information for a patient who was recently X-rayed.) If the Operator Console finds the patient information, the application “opens” that patient in the main window. If your site is not using bar codes, the Operator Console searches for an Accession number and selects from existing patients who have recently been X-rayed, if that patient’s record is still stored in the application’s local database. If the patient is not in the local database, specify the patient and related patient/visit information. Once the patient information is entered: 1. Select an acquisition procedure. The procedure defines the number and
types of patient views to be captured. In the Operator Console application, a procedure is also referred to as a study. 2. Select the output device destinations for the images. 3. Change the technique settings for the exposure, if desired. 4. Capture the image. 5. After taking an exposure, preview the image on the Operator Console monitor and accept or reject it. When you accept an image’s preview, the image is sent to the selected output destinations. The image identification information-patient name/ID, visit number, and study ID-is sent with the image to the specified output devices for: • Printing on the film • Display at an image viewing workstation • Storage with the image on an archiving system
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
Starting and Logging On to the System Overview
To start a Kodak DirectView DR System: 1. Power up the system. 2. Check the system. For more information, see your Kodak DirectView DR 7500 System Hardware Guide. 3. Log on to the Kodak DirectView DR System Operator Console application. CAUTION:
Shut down the System once a week to ensure a complete system reset. If this is not done, system performance may deteriorate. CAUTION:
Start the System at least one hour before intended use. Using the Detector Array sooner can affect image quality. Performance levels are sub-optimal until after four hours (240 minutes).
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
Logging On to the Operator Console Application
User Login Screen
From the User Login screen, enter your user name and password, then touch LOGIN. (If you do not know your password, see the Security Administrator.) NOTE: Your user name will appear in the Tech ID field of patient data entry screens.
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
Main Menu Screen
Warming Up the X-ray Tube If the DR System is being used for the first time today, or has been inactive for a period of time, you must warm the X-ray Tube. If the X-ray Tube is already warm, you can start making exposures. To warm up the X-ray Tube, see “Warming Up the X-ray Tube” on page 6-2.
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
Capturing Images Overview
Except for adjusting the position and orientation of the Bucky and opening the Collimator shutter, perform all of these steps from the main window of the Operator Console application. 1. Identify the patient. 2. Add or modify the patient information, including the procedure to use. 3. Choose the output destinations. 4. For each image in the procedure: a. Optionally, adjust the exposure technique settings and the exposure sequence. b. Expose the patient. c. Preview, then accept or reject the image. 5. Optionally, open an additional procedure. 6. Optionally, add a view to the procedure in progress. 7. Optionally, add comments about the study. 8. Close the study. 9. When you have completed the exposures, log out of the current Operator Console application session so that another user can log in.
Exam Data Entry
If your hospital uses a HIS/RIS system and Push/Polling is active, Patient and Exam information is retrieved automatically from the HIS/RIS system. The Patient Input screen is available for use in case of network failure. NOTE: If Push / Polling is not activated, touch Find Remote on the Query Screen. Some fields must be completed to validate a Patient Exam Record. The remaining information is optional and should be completed if available. There are three conditions for entering the Patient and Exam Information. The only difference between these is the manner in which the information is entered and collected. The three conditions are: • New Patient: When information for a patient has never been entered in the DR System and/or the HIS/RIS system. • Trauma: Quick data entry for emergency conditions. • Existing Patient: When information for the patient already exists in the DR System and/or the HIS/RIS system.
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
Entering Patient If information for a patient does not exist in the DR System or in the HIS/RIS Information for a New system, enter the information into the Patient Input screen, including Required and Optional fields. Patient 1. At the Main Menu screen, touch Study Data. Patient Worklist Query Screen
NOTE: Depending on your system’s configuration, an MPPS warning about any failed updates may appear instead of the virtual keyboard. Touch any field to cause the virtual keyboard to appear. For information about clearing the MPPS warnings from the system, see “System Recovery” on page 6-13. 2. At the bottom of the screen, touch NEW PATIENT.
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
Patient Input Screen
3. Enter the patient information into the fields listed below.
NOTE: Some fields may be required, as configured by your Key Operator. • Patient Last Name: 32 characters maximum • Patient First Name: 32 characters maximum • Patient Middle Initial: 1 character • Exam Date and Time: entered by computer • Priority: Enter the appropriate priority for the exam. STAT is the highest priority. Routine and Urgent have the same priority. NOTE: A STAT priority will not print ahead of a Routine or Urgent priority. It is a DICOM tag for display purposes only. • Contrast/Bolus: Enter the type and amount of Contrast Media administered to the patient. This field is normally filled in during or soon after the exam. • Accession Number: 16 characters maximum NOTE: The Accession Number field may be filled in using the bar code scanner. See “Bar Code Scanner” on page 1-6. • Date of Birth: 8 characters (DICOM required field. The default value is 09/09/1999.) • Gender: touch screen selector
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
• Patient Location: 32 characters maximum • Patient ID: 16 characters maximum NOTE: The Patient ID field may be filled in using the bar code scanner. See “Bar Code Scanner” on page 1-6. • Referring Physician: 32 characters maximum • Department: 32 characters maximum • Comments: Enter comments into the study record. • Description: This field may be filled in via the HIS/RIS system data. If it is not, enter the procedure manually. (Required) NOTE: Select the Go to Exam button to begin the exam. See “Entering Exam Information” on page 2-15.
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
Entering Patient Information for a Trauma Study
When an emergency (trauma) situation exists, some fields on the Patient Input screen are pre-populated depending on how your system is configured by your Key Operator and Administrator. The remaining fields that require information are highlighted. NOTE: Your Key Operator may have configured a field with a “unique number.” Each time you select a trauma patient, the number increments to identify a new trauma patient. 1. At the Main Menu screen, touch Study Data. Patient Worklist Query Screen
2. At the Patient Worklist Query screen, touch TRAUMA. The following
fields can be pre-populated: • Patient Last Name • Patient First Name • Middle Initial • Exam Date & Time • Priority • Accession Number • Tech ID • Date of Birth • Gender • Patient Location 2-8
Acquiring Images – Basic Operations
• Patient ID • Referring Physician • Department • Procedure Patient Trauma Input Screen
NOTE: If the Key Operator has configured more than one set of trauma defaults, touching TRAUMA takes you to the Trauma Defaults screen. Selecting the desired button then takes you to the Patient Trauma Input screen. 3. See “Entering Exam Information” on page 2-15.