Users Guide
158 Pages

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KODAK PACS Link Medical Image Manager 200 with Display Keypad
Version 3.2 User’s Guide HEALTH IMAGING Eastman Kodak Company
18325 Waterview Parkway Dallas, TX 75252 972-994-1200 Pub. No. 5E9763 Cat. No. 117-7195 July 2000
Credits and Trademarks KODAK is a trademark of the Eastman Kodak Company. Other trademarked names may be used throughout this manual. Instead of listing all the names and companies that own these trademarks, or inserting a trademark symbol with each occurrence of the trademarked name, Eastman Kodak Company states that these names are used for editorial purposes, with no intent to infringe upon trademarks.
CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale to, by, or on order of a physician. The information contained herein is based on the experience and knowledge relating to the subject matter gained by Eastman Kodak Company prior to publication. No patent license is granted by this information. Eastman Kodak Company reserves the right to change this information without notice and makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to this information. Kodak shall not be liable for any loss or damage, including consequential or special damages, resulting from the use of this information, even if loss or damage is caused by Kodak’s negligence or other fault. Pub. No. 5E9763 © Eastman Kodak Company, 2000 Printed in USA HEALTH IMAGING EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Rochester, NY 14650 USA
Medical Device Directive (MDD) 1,83m
English EUROPEAN MARKET ONLY: This device is not medical equipment according to EN 60 601-1 and must therefore not enter the Patient Environment as defined in EN 60 601-1-1. The following requirements have to be met: 1. Distance from device to Patient Contact Equipment (see illustration). Horizontal = 1,83 metres; Vertical = 2,5 metres above the floor under the patient. 2. Contact of patient and device simultaneously by caregiver not allowed. 3. NO direct electrical connection between device and Patient Contact Equipment is allowed. AUTHORISED AGENT: Manager, Product Safety; Kodak AG; Hedelfingerstr. 54-56; 70327 Stuttgart, GERMANY.
Table of Contents ••••••••
Chapter 1
Introduction... 1-1 In this chapter... 1-1 In this guide... 1-2
Chapter 2
Power up and Shutdown... 2-1 In this chapter... 2-1 Powering up... 2-2 The main display screen... 2-3 Shutting down... 2-5 Understanding open associations... 2-9
Chapter 3
Queue Management... 3-1 Introduction... 3-1 In this chapter... 3-1 Queue overview... 3-2 Unprotected jobs and automatic deletion... 3-2 Protected jobs... 3-3 Managing images... 3-4 Viewing information for active jobs... 3-4 Viewing information for delivered or undelivered jobs 3-6 Redelivering a job... 3-9 Removing or providing job protection... 3-11 Removing or providing protection for one job . . 3-12 Removing protection from all jobs... 3-13 Deleting all jobs in the active queue... 3-15
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Chapter 4
Setting up the MIM 200... 4-1 Introduction... 4-1 In this chapter... 4-1 Configuring location-specific information... 4-2 Time zone... 4-2 Time or date... 4-3 Interface language... 4-5 Setting up network information... 4-7 Network addresses... 4-7 Node name... 4-9 Entering the technical support phone number... 4-11 Adjusting Parameters for SCP Services... 4-13 Accessing the SCP Services screen... 4-13 N-EVENT Reporting... 4-16 Sorter Bin... 4-18 Tonescaling... 4-20 Curve Shape... 4-22 Viewing an image with curve shape values applied... 4-22 Changing the curve shape value... 4-23 TFT/ULUT... 4-25 What is a TFT Set?... 4-25 Descriptions and recommendations... 4-26 Changing the TFT/ULUT Set Values... 4-36 Contrast (Perception LUT Tonescaling)... 4-38 Understanding the effects of the TFT Set on contrast... 4-38 Viewing an image with contrast values applied... 4-39 Changing the contrast value... 4-39 Contrast (Curve Shape Tonescaling)... 4-41 PLUT... 4-43 Image DMin... 4-44 Image DMax... 4-47 Basic Grayscale... 4-49 Basic Color... 4-50
5E9763 July 2000
Border... 4-52 Size... 4-55 Base... 4-57 Priority... 4-59 Selecting a default modality type... 4-61 ICC Profile... 4-63 Viewing an image with ICC profiles applied... 4-63 Changing the ICC Profile... 4-64 Body Part... 4-65
Chapter 5
Replacing Hardware Components... 5-1 Introduction... 5-1 In this chapter... 5-1 Keypad... 5-2 MIM 200 host computer... 5-3 Making a configuration backup... 5-3 Restoring the configuration backup... 5-5
Chapter 6
Troubleshooting... 6-1 Introduction... 6-1 In this chapter... 6-1 Contacting Kodak Technical Support... 6-2 Troubleshooting-General Reference... 6-3 Messages... 6-3 Communications/hardware... 6-4 Viewing status and error messages... 6-5 Status messages on the main display screen... 6-5 Viewing error messages... 6-6 Imager status and error messages... 6-8 Viewing system information... 6-10 Printing system test pages... 6-12 Overview... 6-12
July 2000
Printing a test page... 6-13 Contrast Print (Perception LUT Tonescaling)... 6-15 Curve Shape Print (Curve Shape Tonescaling)... 6-16 Coloring Matching Print... 6-17 Pinging a network node... 6-18 Changing keypad LCD contrast... 6-21
Appendix A
Display Keypad Reference... A-1 Introduction... A-1 In this chapter...A-1 Overview... A-2 Keypad features... A-3 MENU button... A-3 Up and down (arrow) buttons... A-4 F1, F2, F3, and F4 (function) buttons... A-5 LEDs...A-6 Keypad conventions... A-7 Screen types... A-8 Menu screens...A-9 Data Entry screens... A-10 Selection screens... A-11 Display screens... A-12 Confirmation screens... A-13
Index... I-1
5E9763 July 2000
Introduction ••••••••
This publication provides procedures that you will perform at the KODAK PACS Link Medical Image Manager 200 when a Display Keypad is installed. In this publication, the KODAK PACS Link Medical Image Manager 200 is referred to as the MIM 200.
In this chapter... n
In this guide... ... 1-2
In this guide... For general information about the MIM 200 functionality or the keypads, see the Introduction to MIM 200, 5E9823. This publication includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, “Introduction” (this chapter) - Provides an overview of this user’s guide.
Chapter 2, “Power up and Shutdown” - Provides instructions to safely power up and shut down the MIM 200.
Chapter 3, “Queue Management” - Provides information and procedures for managing the queues and the studies in them.
Chapter 4, “Setting up the MIM 200” - Provides procedures to configure the MIM 200 with site information such as system time, date, and language. Also provides instructions to adjust imaging parameters for the DICOM Service Class Providers.
Chapter 5, “Replacing Hardware Components” - Provides instructions to replace the keypad and the MIM 200 host computer.
Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting” - Provides information on contacting the Kodak Technical Support Center, checking system information and error messages, and investigating problems that might occur when using the MIM 200.
Appendix A, “Display Keypad Reference” - Provides information about the keypad, navigating the menus, and using the keypad buttons.
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Power up and Shutdown ••••••••
This chapter provides instructions to power up and safely shut down the MIM 200 with the Display Keypad.
In this chapter... n
Powering up... 2-2
Shutting down ... 2-5
Power up and Shutdown
Powering up CAUTION: Do not hold down the power switch. Press and release the power switch.
To power up the MIM 200, locate and press the power switch on the host computer. NOTE: The power switch is a white button at the top right corner of the MIM 200.
Wait as the MIM 200 powers up. IMPORTANT: The MIM 200 takes approximately two minutes to power up. During this time, a series of beeps is emitted. This is
normal. When the MIM 200 has fully powered up, the main display screen appears. To learn about the main display screen, continue with “The main display screen” on page 2-3.
5E9763 July 2000
Power up and Shutdown
The main display screen The main display screen provides the following information:
See the following table to understand each item on the main display screen. Line
Ready - MIM 200 is ready to accept job requests. or Status/error message generated at the MIM 200. Messages might refer to the data that was received in the print request, or might be internal information generated at the MIM 200. Each message displays for a few seconds. For more information on the status or error message, you can check the message in the error log. For instructions, see Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting”.
Active Jobs - Displays the number of jobs that are in the active queue (the jobs that have been received for printing).
Open Associations - Displays the number of open associations between the MIM 200 and input devices. For more information, see “Understanding open associations” on page 2-9.
July 2000
Power up and Shutdown
Check Queue - Displays the number of protected jobs in the undelivered queue. When there are no undelivered/protected jobs, Check Queue does not display. and/or Status/error message generated at the imager. For example, a message might alert you that the imager is off-line. NOTE: If both conditions occur simultaneously (there are jobs in the undelivered queue and status messages that pertain to the imager), both messages display. The messages alternate at the display until you correct the situations as necessary. Each message displays for four seconds. For more information on messages that pertain to the imagers, Chapter 6, “Troubleshooting”.
5E9763 July 2000
Power up and Shutdown
Shutting down
When you initiate a shutdown from any keypad, you will shut down the MIM 200 for all users.
For Multiple Keypads
To shut down the MIM 200: 1.
At the main display screen, press MENU. NOTE: Because of size limitations of the screen, only four rows are viewable at the same time. Use the arrow buttons to scroll to view all the menu options. The Main Menu displays. until > points to System Shutdown.
Press MENU. The System Shutdown screen displays:
July 2000
Power up and Shutdown
Choose the option:
To cancel the shutdown, press MENU.
To shut down, press until > points to Confirm Shutdown, then press MENU. The screen that displays next is dependent on whether or not print jobs are pending.
To complete the shutdown, follow the correct step based on the screen that displays: IMPORTANT: Do not switch off the MIM 200 until the screen informs you that it is safe to shut down.
If there are no active jobs, the shutdown screen displays:
The MIM 200 performs an orderly shutdown.
If there is one active job, this screen displays:
The MIM 200 completes the delivery of the active job.
5E9763 July 2000
Power up and Shutdown
If there are multiple active jobs, this screen displays:
Wait until the jobs are delivered,
or If you wish to suspend the pending jobs, press MENU. If you suspend the pending jobs, the jobs are placed in the undelivered queue and marked as “protected”. The jobs remain in the undelivered queue until the MIM 200 is powered on again. When the MIM 200 is restarted, the suspended jobs are automatically placed in the active queue. The MIM 200 automatically attempts to deliver the jobs. NOTE: For information on checking the undelivered queue, redelivering jobs, or unprotecting jobs, see Chapter 3, “Queue Management”.
July 2000
Power up and Shutdown
A warning message alerts users at the other keypads that the system is shutting down.
For Multiple Keypads
Wait until this screen displays:
When the screen above displays, press the power switch to shut down the MIM 200. CAUTION: When you shut down the MIM 200, you must wait at least 5 seconds before you restart the MIM 200.
5E9763 July 2000
Power up and Shutdown
Understanding open associations Open Associations is an informational item on the System Shutdown screen:
If a quantity other than 0 (zero) displays after Open Associations, communication is open between the MIM 200 and one or multiple device(s). NOTE: Do not confuse “open associations” with “active jobs”. Open associations are open paths of communication, while active jobs are jobs that have been received for printing. When you confirm a shutdown, the MIM 200:
Continues accepting print requests from the associations that are currently open, and completes those print requests.
Rejects any requests from new associations.
If you want to shut down immediately when you have open associations, you can suspend the pending jobs. This causes pending jobs to be placed in the undelivered queue, marked as “protected”. (Follow the procedure, “Shutting down” on page 2-5, to suspend pending jobs during a shutdown.) NOTE: If new jobs are submitted by the open associations before the MIM 200 shutdown has completed, the new jobs are placed in the active queue for delivery. The MIM 200 delivers the new jobs before completing the shutdown.
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Queue Management ••••••••
Introduction This chapter provides information and procedures to manage the jobs that are placed in the delivered, undelivered, or active queues.
In this chapter
July 2000
Queue overview... 3-2
Managing images ... 3-4
Queue Management
Queue overview The MIM 200 provides three accessible queues. See the table for the queue types and descriptions of each: Queue type:
Displays information about jobs that have been received for printing. Displays the time the job was sent, plus priority and status information.
Displays information about jobs that have been delivered to the print destination. After a job is successfully sent to the print destination, the job is placed in the delivered queue.
Displays information about jobs that were not able to print. Jobs may be placed in the undelivered queue due to communication errors, empty media trays, etc.
Unprotected jobs and automatic deletion Jobs in the delivered queue are “unprotected”, which means that jobs are retained in the delivered queue until the hard disk becomes full to a preset limit. When the preset limit is reached, the MIM 200 automatically begins deleting the unprotected jobs, starting with oldest jobs. Automatic deletion also deletes any unprotected jobs in the undelivered queue.
5E9763 July 2000