Medical Pumps

WOM LAP-Pump Model PP110 Irrigation and Suction Instructions for Use April 2019

Instructions for Use

298 Pages

Table of Contents 1  Important User Notes ... 3  2  Safety Information... 4  3  General Information ... 5 3.1 Device Description ... 5 3.2 Intended Use and Contraindications ... 5 3.2.1 Intended Use... 5 3.2.2 Contraindications ... 5 3.3 General Warnings and Precautions ... 5 3.3.1 General Warnings ... 5 3.3.2 Precautions... 9  4  Initial Device Startup ... 11 4.1 Scope of Delivery ... 11 4.2 Setting up and Connecting the Device... 12 4.2.1 Mounting on Stand... 14 4.2.2 Positioning in Device Rack ... 15 4.3 Switching Device Off ... 15  5  Operating the Device ... 16 5.1 Device Front ... 16 5.2 Device rear... 16 5.3 Overview of Usable Tube Sets ... 17 5.4 Using the Tube Sets ... 18 5.5 Irrigation Tube Set Connection... 19 5.6 Inserting the Suction/Irrigation Set... 21 5.7 Inserting a Day Patient Tube Set (NOT FOR SALE IN USA AND CHINA)... 22 5.7.1 Replacing the Patient Tube after Surgery... 25 5.8 Connecting the Fluid Bags ... 26 5.9 Irrigation ... 26 5.10 Suction... 27 5.11 Replacing the Suction Container ... 28 5.12 Removing a Vacuum Tube... 28  6  Safety Functions... 29 6.1 Pressure Limitation at 450 mmHg ... 29 6.2 Motor Cutout at 600 mmHg ... 29 6.3 Device Self-Test ... 29  7  Functional Test ... 30 7.1 Preparing the Function Test ... 30 7.2 Irrigation Test ... 30 7.3 Suction Test... 31  8  Using the Device during Surgery ... 32  9  Care and Maintenance... 33 9.1 Cleaning the Device... 33 9.2 Maintenance Intervals... 33 9.3 Maintenance by Authorized Service Technician... 33 9.4 Replacing the Fuse ... 34 9.5 Care of the Reusable Tube Set (NOT FOR SALE IN USA) ... 35 9.5.1 General Notes... 35 9.5.2 Reprocessing ... 37  10  Annual Inspection ... 43 10.1 Electrical Safety Test ... 43 10.2 Irrigation Test ... 44 10.3 Suction Test... 44  11  Technical Data ... 45  12  Accessory list... 47  13  Electromagnetic Compatibility... 48 13.1 Electrical Connections... 48 13.2 Guidelines and Manufacturer’s Declaration – Electromagnetic Emissions ... 49 13.3 Guidelines and Manufacturer's Statement/Electromagnetic Interference Immunity ... 50  14  Error and Warning Messages... 52  15  Test Log... 54 15.1 Test Log... 54 15.2 Return Form ... 55  en  Index... 56  1
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