Nerve Monitoring Systems

Neurosign 100 Procedure Sheets Oct 2011

Procedure Sheets

9 Pages

Procedure Sheets for use with the Neurosign® 100 Nerve Monitor These sheets are intended as general information for Operating Theatre / OR personnel. They are not intended as specific guides to surgeons or anaesthetists although some of the information may be useful. The information has been obtained from the observation of several thousand procedures using the Neurosign 100, but is not definitive and should not over-ride normal surgical decision-making. Further information is available in the Guide to Motor Nerve Monitoring, which can be obtained from Improvements to the Neurosign 100 and the clinical information available are under continual review. Any comment on the quality, accuracy or content of this document would be welcomed. The Company reserves the right to make such alterations without prior notice.  Spring Gardens, Whitland, Carmarthenshire, SA34 0HR, U.K. Tel: +44 (0) 1994 240798 Fax: +44 (0) 1994 240061 email: Web: Neurosign is a registered Trade Mark of The Magstim Company © The Magstim Company Ltd 2011  Chris Hovey , Clinical Manager October 2011
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File Name: MAGSTIM - Neurosign 100 Procedure Sheets Oct 2011 - 2011-10.pdf

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