Stimulating Coils

Magstim Coils & Accessories Operating Manual

Operating Manual

24 Pages

Magstim Coils & Accessories  TABLE OF CONTENTS  Page Numbers  Section 1:  Magstim Coils & Accessories: 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Indications for use 1.3 Caution 1.4 Contraindications 1.5 Coil Positioning 1.6 Coil Selection  2 3 3 3 4 6  Section 2:  Warnings and Precautions  10  Section 3:  Operating Instructions 3.1 General 3.2 Standard & Taped Coils 3.3 Coil Adapter 3.4 Placebo Coil 3.5 In-Line Inductor 3.6 Y Cable  Section 4:  Maintenance: 4.1 User Maintenance 4.2 Technical Maintenance 4.3 Cleaning 4.4 Servicing 4.5 Device Lifetime 4.6 Disposal  Section 5:  18 18 19 19 19 19  Specifications: 5.1 General Specifications 5.2 Technical Specifications 5.3 Ambient Temperature Requirements 5.4 Coil Compatibility Chart  1623-23-07  12 12 13 15 16 16  1  20 20 21 22  18th May 2010
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File Name: MAGSTIM - Magstim Coils & Accessories Operating Manual.pdf

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