FLOW System Basic Training Guide Rev 1

Basic Training Guide

2 Pages

Training guide – basic Flow anaesthesia system The following steps are based on the primary operating functions for anaesthesia machines (ISO 80601-2-13). By following this training guide the trainer can assure that all users get the same introduction to the basic and essential functions of the Flow anaesthesia machines.  1  Start the anaesthesia system from power off  Point out where to find the ON/OFF switch.  2  Connecting the patient breathing circuit to the anaesthesia system  Go through all the connection ports on the machine and let the trainee connect the patient circuit. Show where the water trap is located and how to change it. Connect the sampling line. Let the trainee disconnect and re-connect the CO2 absorber and vaporizers. If an AFGO outlet is present, describe the function and pay close attention to the fact that Emergency Ventilation does not support the AFGO outlet.  3  Perform SCO (system checkout)  Go through the prompts and make sure that the user understands all interactions during SCO.  4  Suction and aux O2  Show the position and function of the suction and Aux O2. Show how to regulate the suction pressure.  5  Standby view  Highlight that gas or ventilation is not delivered before you press "Start case". Explain the Standby view, how to initiate a System Check Out or a Leakage check. Ask the user how they normally perform a leakage check and demonstrate how they utilize the same test with the Flow. Explain the ability to pre-set ventilation mode and gas settings. Explain how to set Patient Category and the implications on alarm limits of changing category.  Maquet Critical Care AB. MX-7423 rev 1
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