Theatre Tables

ALPHASTAR 1132.xx AX and BX series Brief Operating Instructions

Brief Operating Instructions

2 Pages

Brief operating instruction ALPHASTAR  1132.01AX/BX 1132.02AX/BX  Control of functions: The electrohydraulically driven functions of the operating table may be controlled by • cable-connected hand control or • optional infrared hand control • optional foot switch • emergency control switch (override) LED for connecting to the mains: green blinking signal when the operating table is connected to the mains and the control system is switched on. OFF: the operating table is switched off, all functions are stopped immediately (emergency shutdown).  LOCK: Table locked yellow LED: when the operating table is locked.  LED for battery charge level: blinking red signal when the batteries of the operating table need to be recharged as soon as possible. ON: When the control system is switched on, the yellow LED lights up: the functions can be controlled by pressing the keys. UNLOCK: Table unlocked red LED lights up: the operating table is standing on its castors and can be displaced.  Normal: Patient orientation: normal direction the green LED lights up  REV: Patient orientation: reverse direction the yellow LED lights up  BACKW.: travelling device backward (works only with built-in kit motor-driven castor 1132.60A)  FORW.: travelling device forward (works onlywith built-in kit motor-driven castor 1132.60A)  TREND: table top - Trendelenburg  REV.: table top - reverse Trendelenburg  UP: table top up  DOWN.: table top down  TILT L.: lateral tilt left  TILT R.: lateral tilt right  BACK UP: back plate up  Englisch  LEG UP: leg plate up  FLEX: Flex position (kidney/gall bladder elevation) controls the functions „inclination“ and „back“ alternately until the flex position is achieved.  BACK DN: back plate down LEG DN: leg plate down REFLEX: Reflex position controls the functions „back“ and „inclination“ alternately until a V-position is achieved. LEVEL: for horizontal alignment of the table top  GK113201GB02
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File Name: MAQUET - GK113201GB02 - ALPHASTAR 1132.xx AX and BX series Brief Operating Instructions.pdf

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