HANDI + Oxygen Analyzer Medical Version Operating Manual Rev C

Operating Manual

9 Pages

Table of Contents  Page  Warning and Cautions …………………………………..  1  Introduction ……………………………………………….  3  Features and Functions ……………………………. ….  4  Calibrating the Handi™+  ………………………….. …..  6  Operating the Handi™+  …………………………………  8  Frequently Asked Questions ……………………………  9  Cleaning and Maintenance ………………………………  9  Calibration Errors and Error Codes ……………………  10  Factors Affecting Accurate Readings ……………………. 11 Accessories ……………………………………….……..  12  General Specifications …………………………………… 13 Effect of Interferent Gases and Vapors ……………... 14 Warranty …………………………………………………….. 14  2
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File Size: 130 KB
File Name: MAXTEC - HANDI + Oxygen Analyzer Medical Version Operating Manual Rev C.pdf

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