MAXO2 A and AE User Guide & Operating Instructions

User Guide & Operating Instructions

13 Pages

medicalManual.RevD.qxd  9/9/04  4:18 PM  Page 6  TABLE OF CONTENTS  1.0 SYSTEM OVERVIEW  1.0  1.1 Base Unit Description  SYSTEM OVERVIEW...1 1.1 Base Unit Description...1 1.2 Component Identification...2 1.3 Component Description...2 1.4 MAX-250+ Oxygen Sensor...3  2.0  OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS...3 2.1 Getting Started...3 2.1.1 Protect Tape...3 2.1.2 Remove the Battery Ribbon...3 2.1.3 Automatic Calibration...4 2.2 Calibrating the MAXO2® + Oxygen Analyzer...4 2.2.1 In Line Calibration (Flow Diverter - Tee Adapter)...5 2.2.2 Direct Flow Calibration (Barb)...5  3.0  FACTORS INFLUENCING ACCURATE READINGS...6 3.1 Elevation Changes...6 3.2 Temperature Effects...6 3.3 Pressure Effects...6 3.4 Humidity Effects...7  4.0  CALIBRATION ERRORS AND ERROR CODES...7  5.0  CHANGING THE BATTERIES...8  6.0  7.0 8.0  CHANGING THE OXYGEN SENSOR...9  • Extra-life oxygen sensor of approximately 900,000 O2 percent hours (2-year warranty) • Durable, compact design that permits comfortable, hand-held operation and easy to clean. • Operation using only two AA Alkaline batteries (2 x 1.5 Volts) for approximately 5000 hours of performance with continuous use. For extra extended long life, two AA Lithium batteries may be used. • Oxygen-specific, galvanic sensor that achieves 90% of final value in approximately 15 seconds at room temperature. • Large, easy-to-read, 3 1/2-digit LCD display for readings in the 0-100% range.  6.1 MAXO2® +A Model...9 6.2 MAXO2® +AE Model...10  • Simple operation and easy one-key calibration.  CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE...10  • Self-diagnostic check of analog and microprocessor circuitry.  SPECIFICATIONS...11 8.1 Base Unit Specifications...11 8.2 Sensor Specifications...12  9.0  The MAXO2® + analyzer provides unparalleled performance and reliability due to an advanced design that includes the following features and operational benefits.  MAXO2® + SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES...12  • Low battery indication. • Calibration reminder timer that alerts the operator, using a calibration icon on the LCD display, to perform a unit calibration.  9.1 Included With Your Unit...12 9.2 Standard Replacement Parts...13 9.3 Optional Accessories...13 9.3.1 Optional Adapters...13 9.3.2 Mounting Options...13 9.3.3 Carrying Options...13 10.0 WARRANTY...14  vi  M A N U FA C T U R E D B Y M A X T E C , I N C .  W W W. M A X T E C I N C . C O M  1
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