Ultra Max O2 Operating Manual & Instructions for Use

Operating Manual & Instructions for Use

13 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS Classifications... I Indications for Use... I Warranty... I Principle of Operation... II Warnings... II Cautions ... III 1.0 SYSTEM OVERVIEW ... 1 1.1 Description ... 1 1.2 Component Identification... 1 1.3 Symbol Guide ... 2 1.4 Component Description... 2 2.0 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS... 3 2.1 Oxygen, Flow and Pressure Measurement ... 3 2.2 Switching Pressure Units of Measure... 3 2.3 Calibration Verification Procedure... 3 3.0 FACTORS INFLUENCING ACCURATE READINGS ... 4 3.1 Effects of Temperature... 4 3.2 Effects of Humidity... 4 3.3 Effects of Other Gases... 4 3.4 Effects of Low Flow ... 4 4.0 ERROR CODES ... 4 5.0 CHANGING THE BATTERIES... 5 6.0 CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE ... 5 6.1 Cleaning ... 5 6.2 Maintenance... 5 7.0 SPECIFICATIONS... 6 8.0 SPARE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES... 7 8.1 Included with your Unit... 7 8.2 Optional Accessories... 7  IV  866.4.Maxtec
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File Name: MAXTEC - Ultra Max O2 Operating Manual & Instructions for Use.pdf

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