Mcube Technology Co

Bladders Scanner

BioCon-700 Cleaning and Decontamination Guidelines v13

Cleaning and Decontamination Guideline

4 Pages

CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION GUIDELINES CUBESCAN BIOCON-700 BLADDER SCANNER COVID-19 We will continue to monitor the situation but at present, our standard cleaning and disinfecting guidance remains unchanged and is as follows. DEFINITIONS Cleaning – a process that physically removes contamination but does not necessarily destroy microorganisms. Cleaning is a necessary pre-requisite to ensure effective disinfection or sterilisation. Decontamination – a process, which removes or nullifies contamination by biomass reduction and thereby prevents microorganisms reaching a susceptible (body) site in sufficient quantities to cause infection. EQUIPMENT PREPARATION Prior to cleaning or decontaminating the CUBEScan BioCon range of bladder scanners ensure that the device is not connected to the mains and is switched off. Care should be taken when handling the probe. Ensure it is not knocked or dropped during the cleaning or decontamination process. IT IS RECOMMENDED TO CHECK THE OPERATION OF THE BLADDER SCANNER AFTER CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION. PRECAUTIONS • • • • • •  Do not use harsh or corrosive chemicals e.g. hydrochloric acid, bleach, or abrasive cleaners on the probe. To avoid electric shock, disconnect the system from the AC mains and the battery. Ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for handling and disposing of the cleaning and disinfection solutions provided in this guide. Do not re-use cloths or wipes. Do not subject any part of the instrument to pressure sterilisation, hydrogen peroxide fogging, steam, ethylene oxide, radiation, or similar methods of sterilisation or autoclaving. Do not immerse the probe, probe cable, probe plug, scanner main unit, or the charger and mains lead into water or any cleaning fluids. o NB: The tip of the probe, as indicated below, may be immersed as part of the cleaning and disinfecting procedure if necessary:  CLEANING Prior to using the scanner, it is recommended that the following cleaning methods are followed. Cleaning is critical to ensuring the scanner is ready for decontamination. Failure to complete the cleaning process could result in a contaminated bladder scanner following decontamination. Ensure the wipes have not expired. Based on the normal use of the CUBEScan BioCon range of bladder scanners and the tissue it contacts during normal use, we recommend low level disinfection is the minimum level required. Probe  0845 345 4226 - - BioCon-700 - Cleaning and Decontamination - v13 - Page 1 of 4
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