Mcube Technology Co

BioCon-1100 Quick Start Guide V2

Quick Start Guide

2 Pages

BIOCON-1100 QUICK START GUIDE Please refer to the operator’s manual for full instructions. When not in use, the BioCon-1100 probe should be securely stored in its trolley or carry case.  SCANNER OVERVIEW Power on/off  Insert SD card Probe connector  Touchscreen display  Connect barcode reader  Connect mains lead  Scan button  Probe  POWER & CHARGING Press the POWER button once to switch on. Mains or battery operated: recharge when the battery level indicator is on one bar.  HOME SCREEN & SELECT PATIENT TYPE Help  Saved scan results/ storage capacity  Time and battery percentage  Male setting: for any adult male.  Scan View saved scans Change settings  Adult Scan depth 23cm  Child Scan depth 8cm  Female setting: allows the scanner to compensate for the presence of fluid in the uterus (approx. ±10ml). Female H setting: for females who have had a full hysterectomy. Child setting: a shorter scan depth for any patient less than 25kg/55lbs (includes neonates). Yellow child scan depth marker indicates scan depth (8cm).  Child setting: if the bladder (black image) encroaches beyond the yellow child scan depth marker, select exit and scan again using the appropriate adult setting (for a larger scan depth of 23cm).  PROBE PREPARATION - USE ONLY A RECOGNISED ULTRASOUND TRANSMISSION GEL −  Clean the probe before and after with detergent wipes in accordance with manufacturer’s guidelines. Apply ultrasound gel to the probe.  −  Ensure the patient is in the supine position with abdominal muscles relaxed.  −  Position the probe midline on the patient’s abdomen approximately 3cm above the pubic bone.  −  Ensure the patient icon on the top of the probe is facing towards the patient’s head/feet.  −  Angle the probe slowly under the patient’s pubic bone – towards the patient’s feet (without moving the head of the probe).  −  Press scan (once) either on the probe or on the console touchscreen – you are now in the pre-scan window.  It is not necessary to keep moving the probe head just a slight adjustment of angle or change of pressure.
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File Name: Mcube Technology Co - BioCon-1100 Quick Start Guide V2.pdf

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