Mcube Technology Co

BioCon-700 In Depth User Guide v2 April 2020

In Depth User Guide

6 Pages

BIOCON-700 IN-DEPTH USER GUIDE INTENDED FOR CASCADE TRAINERS Refer also to the operator manual The BioCon-700 is a battery operated, fully automatic bladder scanner for determining bladder volume in both adults and children. The pre-scan function allows users to easily locate the bladder before scanning, making measurement easier. Before using the BioCon-700, ensure you are familiar with the device and its parts. Follow Trust guidelines on patient preparation and consent. Prior to use, inspect the scanner, probe and probe cable for signs of damage. Do not use if damaged and report immediately to your engineering department. If not available to your organisation, report to de Smit Medical.  New style probe  Old style probe  All current BioCon-700 models can be upgraded to the latest software levels, e.g. calibration free, bladder point.  PURPOSE A bladder scanner should be used for the following: • Assess for urinary retention. • Suspected voiding dysfunction. • Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI). • Accurately assess post voiding residual volume (PVR). • Assess the ability to void following a trial without catheter (TWOC). • Confirm catheter blockage. • Reduce unnecessary urinary catheterisations. • Determine a person’s bladder volume as part of a continence assessment. • Monitoring hourly output/kidney function.  CONTRAINDICATIONS • • • •  Foetal or on pregnant patients. Patients with ascites. Patients with open or damaged skin. Wounds in the suprapubic region.  PROBE CARE Care should always be taken with the probe. When not in use, the probe should be in the carry case or the probe holder located on the trolley which is specifically designed by the manufacturer to house the probe securely – with the probe cable pointing to the floor (see image above). Do not leave the probe on a flat surface as it may roll off and get damaged. Operating conditions: +10°C to +40°C Storage and transportation conditions: -10°C to +60°C  de Smit Medical Systems Ltd, Unit 15 Falcon’s Gate, Dean Road, Yate, Bristol, BS37 5NH || Registered Address: 584 Wellsway, Bath, BA2 2UE Tel: 0845 3454226 || Fax: 0845 3454227 || Email: || Web: || Company No: 6585345 || VAT No: 935 0099 26 V2 – 02/04/2020 - Z:PRODUCTSMCUBEBIOCON-700TRAININGUSERIN-DEPTH GUIDE
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File Name: Mcube Technology Co - BioCon-700 In Depth User Guide v2 April 2020 - 2020-04.pdf

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