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medicina hospital oral/enteral syringes & nasogastric tubes
Enteral Extension Set 150cm long
Ref: EP150 NHS Code: FWM744
NG tubes safety syringes
Enteral Extension Set 75cm long
Ref: EP075 NHS Code: FWM893
Adult NG Plaster
Ref: NP01
Male Gastrostomy Adaptor
Paediatric NG Plaster
Ref: M19400/V
Ref: NP02
NHS Code: FWM746
short-term infant paediatric nasogastric tubes Tube Description SG4/50 4FR X 50CM SG4/80 4FR X 80CM SG5/50 5FR X 50CM SG5/80 5FR X 80CM SG6/50 6FR X 50CM SG6/80 6FR X 80CM SG8/50 8FR X 50CM SG8/80 8FR X 80CM SG8/120 8FR X 120CM SG10/80 10FR X 80CM SG10/120 10FR X 120CM SG12/80 12FR X 80CM SG14/80 14FR X 80CM WEIGHTED SG6/50W 6FR X 50CM SG6/80W 6FR X 80CM SG8/80W 8FR X 80CM SG10/80W 10FR X 80CM SG12/80W 12FR X 80CM
NHS Code
FWM751 FWM747 FWM752 FWM748 FWM753 FWM749 FWM755 FWM750 FWM754 FWM865 FWM866 FWM867 FWM868 FWM869 FWM870 FWM871
2.5ml 5ml
Ref: PE25
Ref: PE05
NHS Code: FTA040
NHS Code: FTA041
Milk Straw
NHS Code: FTA044
Ref: C020
Ref: PE20 Ref: PE60 Catheter Tip Syringe 60ml
Singly packed
Ref: M158/1 NHS Code: FWD090
Indicator Strips
Medicines Needle
Enteral Filter
NHS Code: FTA047
NHS Code: FWD077
NHS Code: FVK137
NHS Code: FTA046
Pack of 8
Ref: M158/8
NHS Code: FTA039
Ref: PE10
Ref: MN01
Ref: RF01
Ref: IN01 Male/Female Cap NHS Code: FWD089
Ref: EF01
NHS Code: FTA048
250ml capacity NHS Code: FWM997 250ml capacity WIDE BORE
Ref: MED250W
500ml capacity
Bottle Adaptor 14-16mm
Medicines Straw Enteral Drainage Bag
Ref: BA02
Ref: C005
Bottle Adaptor 17-20mm
NHS Code: FVK136
100ml capacity
Ref: BA03
Ref: MED100 NHS Code: FWM996
Ref: MED500 NHS Code: FWM998
Ref: BA01
Ref: BA04
Enteral Drainage Bag
Enteral Drainage Bag
Medicine Bottle Adaptor
Bottle Adaptor 24-26mm
sets & accessories Ref: MED250
NHS Code: FWM745
Ref: 20-110/V
Filter Straw
Ref: PE60B
long-term fine-bore nasogastric tubes
Male Cap
Ref: PE01
double lumen tubes
Enteral Drainage Bag
Double Lumen Tube
50ml capacity
with external guide-wire
Ref: MED050
Ref: EF2E NHS Code: FWM618
Double Lumen Tube
Tube Description Code NGP6/55 6FR X 55CM NGP6/75 6FR X 75CM NGP6/85 6FR X 85CM NGP8/55 8FR X 55CM NGP8/75 8FR X 75CM NGP8/85 8FR X 85CM NGP8/120 8FR X 120CM NGP10/85 10FR X 85CM NGP10/120 10FR X 120CM WEIGHTED NGP8/85W 8FR X 85CM NGP10/85W 10FR X 85CM
NHS FWM1007 FWM1006 FWM1005 FWM1004 FWM1003 FWM1002 FWM1001 FWM1000 FWM999 FWM882 FWM883
short term wide-bore nasogastric tubes Tube RT6/80 RT8/80 RT10/80 RT12/100 RT14/100 RT16/100 RT18/100 RT20/100
Description 6FR X 80CM 12FR X 80CM 10FR X 80CM 12FR X 100CM 14FR X 100CM 16FR X 100CM 18FR X 100CM 20FR X 100CM
NHS Code
FWM884 FWM885 FWM886 FWM887 FWM888
long term silicone nasogastric/ jejunal tubes Tube SG6/85WSIL SG8/85WSIL SG10/85WSIL
Description 6FR X 85CM 8FR X 85CM 10FR X 85CM
with internal guide-wire
Ref: EF2
NHS Code: FWM617
Double Lumen Neonatal Suction Tube
Ref: NF02
U n i t 2 , R i v i n g t o n V i e w B u s i n e s s Pa r k , S t a t i o n Ro a d , B l a c k r o d , B o l t o n B L 6 5 B N
Te l e p h o n e : 0 1 2 0 4 6 9 5 0 5 0 F a x : 0 1 2 0 4 6 9 7 7 5 5 e m a i l : i n f o @ m e d i c i n a . c o . u k w w w. m e d i c i n a . c o . u k
This will provide a good seal and will allow simple disconnection.
When making connections to Medicina Luer locks it is only necessary to tighten the connection by one quarter turn.
making connections
e m a i l : i n f o @ m e d i c i n a . c o . u k w w w. m e d i c i n a . c o . u k
Te l e p h o n e : 0 1 2 0 4 6 9 5 0 5 0 F a x : 0 1 2 0 4 6 9 7 7 5 5
U n i t 2 , R i v i n g t o n V i e w B u s i n e s s Pa r k , S t a t i o n Ro a d , B l a c k r o d , B o l t o n B L 6 5 B N
1/4 turn
It is therefore recommended that feeding tubes, lines and enteral syringes are only primed up to but not including the connection. The connection is left full of air which is not a problem for enteral nutrition. The priming volumes for this air are very small. In this way the internal threads of the Male Luer do not become clogged with feed or medicines.
priming medicina enteral connections
It is also good routine practice, following feeds or the delivery of medicines, to flush the inside threads of the connector of Medicina NG tubes. This will prevent any disconnection problems.
flushing connection threads
It is important that enteral connections are not primed with feed or thick medicines as it can be difficult to separate the connections. The threads can sometimes become clogged with feed and debris.
enteral connections
It is normal practice, with I.V. fluids, to prime the syringe and connectors with fluid to exclude air. This is not necessary with enteral connections.
priming connections