Micro 5000 version Micro 6000 series User Guide Introduction
User Guide
3 Pages

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Introduction The Micro 6000 series on instruments are based on the Lilly pneumotachograph transducer, supplied as a heated version requiring mains power or as un-heated and Butterfly versions using the computer USB directly. The Expair Software suite is common and runs under a WindowsTM operating system currently XP Pro or 7 32 bit. The system is supplied with an USB mini to standard cable and mains lead with the heated version. The retained USB mini is connected to the rear of the instrument and the mains supply connected to a suitable receptor. The Flow head has a red and blue pneumatic connector between the handset and the device. The heater plug needs to be attached. The software is loaded using the Installation program to the default path c:Expair this establishes all the local directories. The Configuration is contained in a file / CD that must be copied to the hard disk, we suggest My Documents Create a folder “Medisoft Configs” Copy the config to this location with full read/write access. Your Medisoft representative will normally assist with the installation if the computer is made available. On site installation is not standard for this device. The configuration is loaded for the correct operation of the software, also the software requires the loading of the Virtual Com Port driver and the USB driver under standard Windows “new software” found. The Port Setting should be defaulted to COM7. With the software is correctly loaded the device will “talk” to the software for standard operation of the device by Expair.
Use of the device for testing is contained in the sections; Lilly Calibration Simple Spirometry Testing Flow Volume Testing Supplement Selection of Flow Volume Curves discusses the new selection proced u re Policy on Cleaning and Infection control is contained; Infection Control and Cleaning Other sections that may be requested are; Basic Export set up Function Using Predicted Editor Using Report Builder Configuration options Normally assistance for these items is obtained from your Medisoft representative.