MiraQ System

MiraQ System Quick Guide Ver 2

Quick Guide

2 Pages

Quick Guide - MiraQ™ System  1. PERFORMING TTFM MEASUREMENTS Before measurement:  During Measurement  1. Select correct application.  1. Place the probe on the graft.  2. Fill in patient data.  2. Check that ACI is green or yellow. If the ACI shows red or orange, try using more gel or use a different probe size.  3. Connect the ECG cable (if applicable).  3. The values can be read when the red baseline is flat and stable.  4. Connect the probe. 5. Choose applicable anatomical location. 6. Check the ACI. This can be done by placing the probe in water. ACI should be green with 90% or above.  4. Save the measurement. The system will save 1 minute retrospectively each time the save button is pressed.  Note To obtain DF% readings, and red/blue color for the systolic/diastolic phases, ECG signals must be provided via an ECG cable. Remember to save the best measurements. Scroll the stored data, and save where the PI, Flow and DF% are representative for the measurement with good ACI.  1 2 5 3  4 6  7 9  8  #  Screen element  1  Live session screen  2  Archive reporting  3  Mean flow  4  Pulsatility Index  5  Minimize window  6  Save  7  DF% - Diastolic filling  8  Anatomical location  9  ACI - Acoustic Coupling Index  10  Retrieve window  10 TTFM measurement screen  2. PERFORMING IMAGING MEASUREMENTS 2.1 Connecting the Medistim L15 imaging probe  1. Make sure the locking lever is in the unlocked position (the upper position). 2. With the probe cable to the right, insert the connector into the system in one smooth horizontal motion. 3. When the probe is completely inserted, move the lever into the locked position (lower position). 4. When removing the probe, hold the connector while moving the locking lever into the unlocked position, and gently pull it out. Connecting the imaging probe
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File Name: MEDISTIM - SC00IN009 - MiraQ System Quick Guide Ver 2 - 2015-12.pdf

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