Scope Buddy Plus In-Service Guide 2021

In-Service Guide

2 Pages

SYSTEM OPERATIONS - continued  SCOPE BUDDY PLUS ™  End of Day Shutdown 1.  Power off device: To power off the SCOPE BUDDY PLUS Flushing Aid, press and hold the Power button for approximately one second until the user interface turns dark. Release the Power button and an audible “beep” tone is heard. The LED will stay illuminated during the Power Down sequence. • CAUTION: Holding the Power button for more than two seconds will initiate a hard shutdown sequence and may result in an inoperable SCOPE BUDDY™ PLUS Flushing Aid.  2.  Discard all 24-Hour tubing  3.  Wipe outside surfaces and Temperature Probe with an EPA-approved surface disinfectant  ™  Endoscope Flushing Aid  In-Service Guide  Data Logs From Home Screen, arrow down, select Data Logs: 1. Select View Logs to view logs; arrow to select the desired log 2. Select Export Logs to copy all data from the device to an USB drive. No data is deleted from the device, unless ‘Remove DB after Export’ is checked • Insert USB drive, press USB Export icon, enter SCOPE BUDDY™ PLUS Endoscope Flushing Aid Settings password, then select which USB to export data to • The screen will display export options. Check the desired data boxes. Press ‘OK‘ • When the export reaches 100%, the ‘Select Export Destination‘ screen will return • Conduct SCOPE BUDDY™ PLUS Flushing Aid shut down procedure • Remove USB drive • Import data into SCOPE BUDDY™ PLUS Endoscope Flushing Aid Dashboard to generate reports  MAINTENANCE Daily Maintenance 1.  Install new Pump Tube, and Auxiliary Detergent Out Tube (if using clean container setup)  2.  Inspect all tubing for leaks and damage to the plastic fittings. Discard tubing and replace if damaged  3.  Perform Dosing Verification. If Dosing Verification fails, perform Dosing Calibration and Re-Verification  4.  Install new 24-Hour tubing for endoscope. If using DSD Hookups, install a new 24-Hour tubing  5.  At end of day, discard all 24-Hour tubing  6.  Wipe down device and Temperature Probe with EPA-approved surface disinfectant  7.  Power off device by holding down Power button for 5-7 seconds  TROUBLESHOOTING Troubleshooting 1.  Review Troubleshooting section in SCOPE BUDDY™ PLUS Endoscope Flushing Aid User Manual  2.  Contact Medivators Support 1-800-444-4729 to order supplies or for technical assistance  FOR FACILITY USE ONLY Staff Name: Training Date: SCOPE BUDDY™ and INTERCEPT™ are trademarks of Medivators Inc. All other company and product names are trademarks of their respective owner. © 2021 Cantel Medical Corp. LIT-00410/A-EN  Trainer:
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File Name: MEDIVATORS - LIT-00410-A - Scope Buddy Plus In-Service Guide 2021 - 2021-01.pdf

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