
Signia Stapling System In-Service Guide Nov 2020

In-Service Guide

1 Page

IN-SERVICE GUIDE  A SET UP AND CHARGE  B ASSEMBLE THE HANDLE  Rock the base of the power handle.  Remove the power handle from the charging terminal.  Signia™ Stapling System  C LOAD THE STAPLER RELOAD  First activation: Charge the power handle for a minimum of three hours before clinical use. A fully charged battery is indicated by a solid green LED.  Scrubbed person: Place the sterilized insertion guide on the open power shell.  Close the power shell until there is audible and tactile confirmation the latch is fully closed.  Ensure that all three top secure clips are secured.  Circulating person: Insert the power handle into the power shell, and remove the reusable insertion guide.  D HOW TO FIRE  OPEN  L  R  CLOSE  Align the proximal end of the adapter with the QUICK RELEASE button facing up. Press the two components together until the adapter is fully seated in the stapler handle.  Confirm connection of the linear adapter on the display screen.  Ensure that the LOAD alignment indicator on the reload aligns with the LOAD alignment indicator on the adapter.  E DISASSEMBLE THE RELOAD  Unloading a reload: Once articulation is centered and the jaws are open, pull the blue UNLOAD button back to release the reload.  Twist the reload counterclockwise until unlocked (about 45 degrees).  Remove the reload from the adapter.  Push the reload into the adapter and twist clockwise. Ensure there is no red showing underneath. Remove the shipping wedge.  Perform a reload cycle test: ■ Press and hold the DOWN toggle until jaw is completely closed ■ Press and hold the UP toggle until jaw is completely closed Once complete, the handle will show that the reload is loaded and ready for use.  Close the reload by pressing and holding the DOWN button.  Insert the instrument in the patient’s body cavity. Press and hold the UP button to open the jaws of the instrument. Clamp the jaws of the reload on tissue by pressing DOWN.  Press and release the SAFETY button. Note: An audible confirmation and an LED indicator will flash green, indicating FIRE mode.  To FIRE: Press and hold the DOWN/FIRE toggle until the knife reaches the distal end and firing is complete. To retract: Press and release the UP toggle. To open: After firing, press and hold the UP toggle until fully opened.  F REMOVE THE ADAPTER  G REMOVE THE POWER SHELL AND POWER HANDLE  Press and hold the QUICK RELEASE button while pulling the adapter off the power stapling handle.  Open the power shell by releasing the two side secure clips.  IMPORTANT: Please refer to the package insert for complete instructions, contraindications, warnings and precautions. You may also refer to the Signia™ User Manual. © 2020 Medtronic. All rights reserved. Medtronic, Medtronic logo and Further, Together are trademarks of Medtronic. All other brands are trademarks of a Medtronic company. 11/2020 – US-ST-2000114 –[WF# 2563858]  While holding the back of the power shell, push the bottom release latch to open the power shell.  With clean gloves, securely remove the power handle from the power shell and place it in a clean environment.  Discard the used power shell. Warning: The power shell cannot be sterilized after use.  Center the articulated reload by either: ■ Using the four-way ARTICULATION toggle control ■ Pressing the UP toggle for two seconds Note: The reload will spring closed during removal.
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