Micro Audiometrics


Earscan MP Pure Tone Audiometer Owners Manual

Owners Manual

25 Pages

TABLE OF CONTENTS  Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The Earscan Line ... 1-4 Earscan MP Pure Tone Audiometer with Data Output... 1-4 Contents of Earscan Package ... 1-5 The Manual ... 1-5 Contents ... 1-5 Notations... 1-6 Chapter 2 INSTALLATION Connections ... 2-7 Power ... 2-8 Getting Ready To Test ... 2-8 Chapter 3 AUDIOMETER Programming Test Parameters... 3-9 Accessing Programming Mode... 3-9 Programming Mode ... 3-9 Programming Frequencies ... 3-10 Programming Stimulus Range ... 3-10 Testing Procedure ... 3-11 Control Panel Display... 3-12 Manual Audiometry ... 3-13 Tone Stimulus Selection ... 3-13 Initiate Test ... 3-13 Frequency Select... 3-13 Level Select ... 3-13 Ear Select ... 3-13 Tone On & Save ... 3-13 Thresholds... 3-14 Automatic Audiometry ... 3-14 Start Testing... 3-14 Test Protocol for Automatic Testing ... 3-14 Threshold Version... 3-14 Pass/Fail Screening Version ... 3-15 Pause ... 3-16
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